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Comment Re:Mobile apps and screen sizes, legit problem (Score 1) 331

What you are outlining is akin to perfection.

ATM I am more concerned with useability.

It seems to me that useable buttons on a tiny smartphone screen which become overly-large buttons on an identical tablet/laptop/desktop port of that same app might look ridiculous, but identical function among ports would be quite desirable.

Comment Re:The Onion said it best (Score 1) 526

I do not recycle anything.

Instead, I remit my waste to the trash pickup company for long-term storage in a local landfill.

It is a form of investment for the future, looking ahead to the day when we are all so fucking poor that we mine used razor blades and plastic butter bowls from beneath mounds of thinly-seeded red clay.

Suck it, hippies!

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