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Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 493

I trust them to treat a critical situation when they're the best available option at that time, using tried and true methods. I don't trust them to inject drugs containing heavy metals and viruses into the whole population for x dollars a pop.

The polio vaccine is estimated to save 9 million lives annually, and that's just one (admittedly one of the most succesfull), the best available option and tried and true.

Your rant sounds slightly mad. Are you suggesting we all revert to walking everywhere to reduce the spread of disease rather than using vaccines? Or maybe we all live our lives with a 10 mile radius of our place of birth?

Comment Re:Snow (Score 1) 583

Most modern cars have sensors on everything drivers are supposed to check before they set off because, surprise surprise, people don't do these checks. The computer will probably actually pay attention to the warning light that says front right tyre is completely flat. I've seen two people recently driving on totally flat tyres, what kind of idiot does that?

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