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Comment Re:Grades vs IQ (Score 2) 391

What is worse is when you get a teacher that makes you down for not doing it their convoluted and retarded way. Sorry teacher but I can do all that in my head, and you are marking me down because I am not slowing down and driving myself insane with the archaic and backwards way of finding the answer.

Luckily I had parents that would scream at the teachers and principal. we finally went over the their heads to the superintendent where he read off questions, and I typically had the answer before he finished reading did they realize that teaching at pot head speeds did not work for me.

Comment Re:An easier solution (Score 1) 120

" If a "hacker" gets into your car and shuts down the brake system then it's a whole lot worse than if he's just putting a picture of Goat.se on the dashboard."

For him as well because he would have to be stuffed up under the dashboard to do his hacking, therefore he will probably die in the accident.
All of these stories are dripping with scare tactic bullshit from these "researchers"

Comment Re:Pretending to do work is fraud (Score 1) 228

Please point out EXACTLY where I said, "sit on your ass".

It is complete morons like you that simply flap your lips without thinking that ruin slashdot. Just because YOU are a lazy asshole that would sit on your ass does not mean everyone else is.

Automate the mundane so you have MORE TIME to do better work on the complex tasks.

Comment Re:Automate it (Score 1) 228

Or do what I do, tell management to fornicate themselves and their horse by getting a job with the competition who will give me a 15%-25% pay increase to jump ship.
Recycle this every 5 years and you are golden.

Nobody gives raises, my current job is royally fucked when I leave because the other guy left 5 months ago and instead of hiring someone, they threw me an intern and said, "train him to be as good as you are".

Gave my 2 weeks notice today and the boss is shitting himself as there will not be anyone to do my job, and it will cost them $60K to hire even a mildly competent replacement..... suddenly that $10K a year raise they should have given me 3 months ago when I ask looks like it would have been a good idea.

I love how non competes are illegal in this state....

Comment Real router hardware is the next step. (Score 4, Informative) 427

I abandoned the toy routers a while ago, bought a used Firebox X700 on ebay for dirt and installed pfSense. Is it fast enough to route a 10,000Base T internet II connection? nope, but it's fast enough for anything that Comcast can throw at it, plus there is a metric buttload of add-on's plus you get epic street cred with your digital posse'.

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After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
