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Comment Re:Are smartphones making us dumb? (Score 2) 267

I suppose I should also point out as a contrast, those olden days before the whipper snappers got all dumb using smart phones, there were also a lot fewer numbers to remember. The most common scenario was a single number for an entire family, as opposed to a separate number for each member plus one for the house in general.

I suppose having dns instead of remembering all the ip addresses for the websites we visit. Is another example of getting dumber through advances of technology. Or not even remembering the site names, just using google instead.
Heck, the internet in general is us getting dumber. It used to be you had to go to the library and use a card catalog and look things up or memorize an entire encyclopaedia rather than just accessing the information on the internet. Kids these days. Am I right?

Comment Re:Are smartphones making us dumb? (Score 5, Insightful) 267

Their address?
And their phone number?
And their work phone number?
And their cell phone, pager, work cell?
And their work address?
And their email address?
And their work email address?
And their birthday?
Etc etc.

And for how many friends did you know this? And businesses you frequent? Acquaintances?

Instead of memorizing a rolodex, which is subject to change and being forgetten, carrying an easily accessible one with you is dumber?

Comment Re:I believe so. (Score 1) 222

I think the point he's trying to convey is that in a small town, everyone knows everyone's business. There was no privacy.
Sure, the data didn't get to the corporate overlords as they didn't exist, and the feudal overlords didn't care they just wanted their due. No one farther than two towns over even cares so the information doesn't spread, but there was no real privacy.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 2) 438

And the DVRs are horribly stagnated and unchanging.

People are still 'renting' their land-line phones from AT&T. It is obviously be more profitable for the service provider.

They would have no motivation to upgrade the firmware if you were renting more than if you own it.

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