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Comment Re:Kickstarter is not an investment (Score 1) 535

Certainly there is an opportunity if you really want to participate in social media experiments. Will they sell a tethered product that requires a facebook account to activate? Will you need some sort of integration with online accounts?

They probably wouldn't force it, not exactly. They'll make it as hard to avoid as possible, while lauding all the benefits of linking this that and the other. "Blink here to +1 on Facebook!!", "Tell all your friends how good you are at this Skinner box disguised as a game!".

God only knows what other data it might send them, even if there's nothing directly identifying you they have enough data to correlate you with other data quite easily.

Comment Re:Fuck that guy. (Score 1) 397

Tattoos have been around for a long, long time. I doubt they are just going to "disappear."

I didn't mean to imply that. However, it's hard to deny that the current trend of "MOAR TATTOOS" is just that, a trend. Once the fad has passed, tattoos will once again be the province of strippers, bikers, gang members, and tribal wannabes.

Comment Re: Ridiculous. (Score 1) 914

I suppose that, in case that the State decides to do the right thing and admit they fucked up, a life sentence can be lifted. The death penalty, not so much.

Of course there's too many political careers at stake to allow our the Judicial branch to admit wrongful conviction with any worthwhile frequency. The stories you hear about wrongful convictions being overturned are but drops in the vast bucket of convictions, right or wrong. And even if you're released after decades of imprisionment, your life has been ruined, all so some hotshot prosecutor could keep climbing up the ladder. It's a sick joke.

Comment Re: Fuck that guy. (Score 1) 397

Am I to take from this comment that there are neckbeards, who think tattoos are absurd, and everyone else who apparently thinks tattoos are the coolest thing ever? At least a beard can be shaven once the owner changes their tastes, tattoos are forever. So good luck with that way cool skeleton fairy on your back, I'm sure the grand kids will think it's awesome, especially once your skin starts losing its plasticity and your former work of art looks like it was done on saggy bread dough.

Also thought I'd point out that I am quite clean shaven. In point of fact, I can't really even grow facial hair at all. I never considered that my facial hair, or lack thereof, would be such an influence on my opinions.

Comment Re:Fuck that guy. (Score 1) 397

Thing is, the tattoo trend is inevitably going to fade away, leaving all these dupes with their bodies covered in "art."

"Like, every single tat has a deep significance to me man. Like this Monster drink logo. That represents my susceptibility to advertisement and that my identity is tied up in what brands are cool or best. It's deep, man, you just don't get it. I'm going to get a yin yang on my forearm because, it's like, deep and I have no idea what cliche or trite means. I'm an individual, man. All my friends get tattoos, it's just cool!"


Hardware Hacking

Is DIY Brainhacking Safe? 183

An anonymous reader writes "My colleague at IEEE Spectrum, Eliza Strickland, looked at the home transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) movement. People looking to boost creativity, or cure depression, are attaching electrodes to their heads using either DIT equipment or rigs from vendors like Advocates believe experimenting with the tech is safe, but a neuroscientist worries about removing the tech from lab safeguards..."

Comment Re:I was wondering about that... (Score 1) 377

He's right, you can still get sound cards, though given the prevalence of the aforementioned embedded Realtek audio (that is, shit) its uncommon to use them. I'm not really sure what the exact use case for them is, since windows threw the hardware acellerated audio baby out with the Vista bathwater, the hardware is just a shitty DAC, a puny amp and some 3.5mm jacks. The rest is at the mercy of whatever crap drivers the vendor bothers to release.

Killing hardware accelerated audio was just fucking stupid. Sure, my fancy quad core can process that audio signal. But why the hell should it? As if there aren't other things it could be doing besides being a glorified DSP. It can process all those vertices too, but you don't hear anyone rushing off to kill hardware accelerated graphics for ... reasons.

Comment Re:Windows 8 (Score 1) 742

Hmm wonder is any ex-Microsoft execs work for Dice.

Nah, not especially likely. The Dice Beta crap is all pretty standard textbook plays. The users don't know what they want, so we'll give them something they don't yet know they want. And when they complain that it "sucks" or is "too different" we'll tell them, "Give it time, you're too stupid to know what you want. You'll get used to the new status quo soon enough."

Same for Unity, Gnome 3, and any other software project that is widely derided by users as crap, but the devs keep plodding on because the users are stupid to know how much they really want whatever crap they're peddling.

Comment Re:ie bundling was just a small part (Score 1) 742

I think that the cookie popup has something to do with an EU disclosure rule. They basically have say "We're using cookies for X, Y, and Z. If you don't like it, well, go someplace else."

That's why there's always an Agree button, but nothing else. I've been seeing those pop ups quite a bit, and we know it certainly wasn't the US government making anyone do anything that might possibly get in the way of profit or have even the slightest veneer of consumer protection, so I'm assuming it's the EU requiring these notices.

Honestly, they're pretty stupid. The only cookies that matter are the tracking ones, and I've yet to see a single one of those cookie Opt-In things disclose the laundry list of trackers stuffed in the page. For instance, Ghostery is blocking 14 items on slashdot. 14. 70% advertisement, the rest "beacons', "analytics' and ironically enough, 'privacy'.

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