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Comment I am a troglodyte (Score 1) 391

My I.Q. score is 119, which is pathetic because I couldn't even muster up enough Brawndo to bust out one more point and make it an even number. I punch myself in the balls every morning for breakfast, and have been doing so since I was four. I can read, but only out loud and I still haven't mastered punctuation. I believed everything I read, saw, and heard as a teenager and as such contracted every venereal disease known to man, got convicted for cattle buggery, and am forbidden to set foot inside the state of Rhode Island. When asked to program using Vi, I do so in EMacs, and I do so by flogging my keyboard with my limp penis. I blame Obama for having the nerve to be Dubya's father, I choke on chewing gum when attempting to walk, and I make all my phone calls while I'm on the toilet experiencing my weekly bout of dysentery. I keep on trying to run Android on my iPhone 3G, Windows on my Linux desktop, and I still cannot wear matching socks. I, sirs, am a complete retard.

Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 1) 393

The WASP community has been doing that to minorities for over a hundred years now. Redlining, anti-Catholic leagues, race riots targeting Chinese, marijuana laws... take your pick. Those were all legally valid (or overlooked) political tactics used by government and/or WASPs to screw over Americans who weren't like them.

Comment Re:Traitors to the American Dream (Score 2) 393

Gotta second this--there is no such thing as The American People. There is no singular voice of authority and righteousness that has coalesced from a totalitarian and enlightened gestalt of minds. Rather, there are the American Peoples, many of whom bear conflicting interests and actively fight their disagreements out using the political theater. Those Senators are representing people who will be directly harmed by SpaceX's success. Those people and their employers have hired lobbyists to advocate on their behalf, which is totally within their constitutional rights. We just don't like it because their needs directly conflict with ours.

Comment Re:Follow the money (Score 3, Insightful) 393

Those senators are doing exactly what they should be doing: protecting the interests of their constituents. If SpaceX continues to be effective and successful, then Boeing and ULA will start losing money, and that means they'll start cutting back on employment at those factories, which are in the jurisdiction of those senators. Which means unemployed voters, and large amounts of unemployed voters trump any economic benefit that cheaper spaceflight may bring. Especially when we're talking working class people who are unable to migrate to new jobs/locations. Before that happens, a lot of the potentially affected voters (and their employers) are hiring lobbyists to advocate on their behalf to stop SpaceX by any means necessary. This is exactly how democracy functions, and those senators are doing their jobs--as much as we may dislike it.

Comment Re:They're Monopolies (Score 1) 368

What if we figured out a way to empower the service reps to fuck over their management but still stay within legal employment guidelines? After all, they've got to be the ones who hate all of this the most because they're being paid to be bad guys. And not just that, they probably were in circumstances that compelled them to choose that employment. Like, calling up a service rep and tieing up their line for twenty minutes with complaints and threats to cancel service, but then using the rep's authorization system to get discounts and freebies that end up benefiting you, benefiting the rep, and fucking over the operating costs of Comcast in the long term?

Comment Re:Keeeeerhiiist I want to laugh at this... (Score 1) 637

Not anymore. Fat devs and programmers don't get hired on as full time staff anymore. If they manage to get hired at all, they'r contractors. If you're under thirty and skinny, basically, then you will be hired because you're perceived as being a minimal risk in light of rising health care costs. Oh, and you send the informal corporate message that Health is In.

Comment Re:Keeeeerhiiist I want to laugh at this... (Score 1) 637

Dude, I got no problem with socks and sandles guys. Knock yourself out--hell, send me photos of yourself giving me a goatse in socks and sandles and I'll critique your thread counts and anal wrinkles. What I have a problem with are senior devs that smell like they live in a dumpster that's been coated with the oils from their armpits, wear clothes that came from said dumpsters, and who insist on eating only vegan bean soup from Whole Foods for every meal because they are recovering from an eating disorder (and gawd forbid I should eat anything else other than vegan bean soup from Whole Foods around them because I might trigger their eating disorder again or a sudden food allergy they didn't know they had until yesterday). AND said dudes make a LOT of money--more than enough to hire a therapist to help coach them through managing sensory input and a maid service for their clothes.

Comment Keeeeerhiiist I want to laugh at this... (Score 4, Funny) 637

but gawddamn, if I meet ONE more unshaven skinny ratty-haired white dev/programmer in his late twenties/early thirties with an aversion to water, soap, matching colors and food (what is it with devs and eating disorders???) here in Seattle, I might just have to defenestrate the fucker to save my sanity. Preferably out an upper window at the downtown Macy's, so that said dev/programmer might actually observe cleanliness and fashion through visual osmosis prior to becoming one with pavement. I don't care if said beautiful mind is autistic, aspie, or what-not--Hygiene is source code!!!!!! Execute it on a daily basis! And if the sensory stimulus is THAT much of an overload then spend some of your six figure salary to get therapy and coaching on how to minimize input while maximizing the ability to incorporate the close proximity of other people!!! I much prefer the Indian and Chinese devs and programmers, not least because they don't have eating disorders and they both understand and practice a minimal standard of hygiene.

Comment Coding at that level becomes art (Score 1) 172

There's a basic foundation that's roughly agreed upon, delineated by rules and best practices. Once those are mastered, then coding becomes an art form. And as art it can be subjective, defy description and all apparent rules of logic, and yet work incredibly well. If there's one thing I've learned on /. over the years from reading all the arguments between coders, it is that there is more than one way to become a master of one's craft (where coding is considered) and that coding becomes Art. Which I personally think is cool.

Comment Serious question (Score 1) 739

In my experience, harsh language is best tempered (and employed) by someone who uses it to judge the situation and provide correction, in such a manner as to insure it doesn't happen again. The language used gets as personal as it needs to, and no further. Ideally, no personal attacks would be used, just a critique of the work. And if that person who employed it happened to be in the wrong, they apologize. Does Linus acknowledge his own mistakes? And, if Linus goes over the line, does he acknowledge and apologize for it? If he does, then he'd be someone I'd want to work for--because I know that the occasional negative reinforcement would be beneficial and it's not personal. From what I understand, Steve Jobs was that way at Apple: a giant asshole, but capable of admitting when he was wrong, and backing his team to the fullest.

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