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Comment Re:My opinion (Score 1) 154

We're not just looking for "life" though, are we? We are looking for life that has developed along the same technological paths as our own. There could be life on every one of these planets, but would a creature that lives under ground be more interested in outer space or the core of their planet? Would their analog to our radio communications be more concerned with propagation through air or through rock?

The problem to me isn't that life hasn't developed everywhere, I like to think that it has. The problem is that we're not looking for life, we're looking for a culture that is the galactic clone of England\America in the same line of technological development at some point between 1800 and now. THAT is why this is a waste of time and resources.

Comment Re:THis is already unstoppable (Score 1, Informative) 247

Their CO2 is from the concrete and steel they use to build cities that sit empty and crumble to dust; not from the cheap chotski crap they pump out. It's from power plants pumping out energy for 1.4 billion people and the parallel consequence of having to get water to those same people. It's from their trash and refuse breaking down in landfills, the deforestation of their country and the expansion of farmland into unsustainable areas.

Comment Re:Anyone know what happened? (Score 1, Interesting) 339

No, that proves the opposite. Spontaneous Generation isn't a thing; not even for COVID; despite what the TV tells you to think. Jumping from 3% to 35% tells me that in the beginning you were testing communities that were not impacted, then all of a sudden you got test results back from the communities that were. Again, mostly rural communities. Not large cities with centralized testing facilities and dedicated lab equipment. Also a superstitious people, many would never bother getting tested if they truly believed that an ayurvedic tincture would prevent them from getting sick.

Comment Re:Anyone know what happened? (Score 1, Insightful) 339

You're asking what happened? In a country where it takes 5 years to resolve a parking ticket? It's simple, they weren't testing people. In a country where 70% of their population resides in rural farming communities and roads that are so dangerous they have sprouted their own documentaries, distribution is also a problem.

Comment The Data Is Already Visible (Score 1) 312

For anyone who has attended college in the last 20 years we've SEEN first hand what happens when you bump qualified students and admit the "underprivileged". They hem and haw and stomp their feet when college turns out to be more work than their used to and invariably end up dropping out due to the consequences of their own stupid and self destructive behavior. You can't just start helping these people when they get to college age, by then the damage is already done. It sucks but what you NEED to do is look at the current generation that you're trying to help then write them off and target their younger siblings or in some cases their children. You need to look at what parts of the older generations lives failed and remove those obstacles for the younger ones.

Take it from someone who actively tries to make a difference, your heart will implode when you discover how often the reason for someone's poor academic performance is adolescent nutrition. When you're entire diet comes from a paper bucket or box, it's no surprise that your mental development will suffer.

Comment Re:Thank you Joe Biden (Score 2) 167

You're sort of right, but these people aren't "the best and brightest", they're more often the people who aren't skilled enough to find employment back home. HR and IT managers have been wise to the H1B degree mill pipeline for years now and so the overwhelming majority of these people in the IT field go to filling warm body slots MSP's. I used to have a problem with this when I was young, then I realised that the job being created is that of their handler. A supervisor position doesn't exist without people to supervise and that's the economic value that these people provide. So the H1B program isn't fulfilling it's initial purpose, but that's OK.

Comment Re:Ensuring Equality? (Score 1, Insightful) 331

And think about this for more than a nanosecond, what if the scheme happened to be detrimental to the participants - you'd now have a scheme that selectively was detrimental to black people.

It's MEANT to be detrimental to Black people. Life is about failing over and over and continuing to try; the "White Supremacy" mythos is a memetic attack on Black culture to rob them of their sense of agency. It tells them over and over again that nothing is their fault and nothing they do will ever matter.

You want a partner? You ask out a potential mate, get shot down, ask out another get shot down, find one that says yes, it doesn't work out and you start the cycle again

You want a job? You apply, get rejected, apply elsewhere get rejected. Until you find your job.

You want a house? You talk to the agent With a promissory letter from the bank in hand,and you STILL get rejected, but you try again and again until you find your house

By scapegoating White people for every single failure in a Black persons life, you're robbing them of that drive to try again. It's using the half truth that their failure isn't necessarily their fault, (it often isn't their fault, some choices are arbitrary) but then it insinuates that it might be because of the Evil White Man, so he shouldn't even try to better himself the gub'ment will always take care of them as long as they keep voting blue without considering their own best interests.It's disgusting to a moderate like myself but they shout "RACIST" when I point out their obvious ploy.

Comment Re:Spare Us (Score 0) 108

NOW Math, specifically percentages there of, matters? Consistently inconsistent, I'll tell ya. But I digress, let's say that I buy this,;that ONLY "7%" of BLM protests were violent, that 7% burned entire cities to the ground. They were COINTELPRO'd into razing their own neighborhoods which they then took as an opportunity to steal from each other. If you honestly can't see how violent rioting, race based random assaults and indiscriminate looting over a crackhead dying of a heart attack is worse then some trespassing and vandalism then you're a lost cause to this country.

The "news" doesn't want to inform you of facts anymore. That doesn't get your attention. They want to whip you up into a frenzy because we LIKE being angry. If they can get a thousand people to riot, then that becomes their next story. That's a win-win for them.

Comment Re: Facebook etc are the problem (Score 0) 316

It is not hard to avoid contamination during a 40 work week while exposed to the public in a building with recirculated air, it is impossible to do so. Hence my assertation that the masks were a safety blanket. When ever YOUR safety is dependant on OTHER people, you're screwed.

Comment Re:Love it (Score 1) 77

I would want a mix of both personally. Think about it this way, these days "everyone" has Saturday and Sunday's off. You go to a bowling alley or movie theater and they are packed on those days. But if we had an even split between Friday or Wednesday off, these places would, in theory, have half as many people as the weekend crowd.

Comment Re: Facebook etc are the problem (Score 0, Troll) 316

Masks are not, and never were effective because you're blocking only ONE out of HALF A DOZEN infection vectors and that's only if the device is used EXACTLY AS PRESCRIBED 24\7. Masks were meant to provide a false sense of security because the government realised that we cannot shutdown all services, not even for two weeks. So you send the stock boy into work with a diaper over his face and tell him it's COVID proof armor. Who cares if he get sick or dies, right? It's not like he's someone important like a politician. What was it Goebbels said about lying? You're living in it.

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