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Comment Dead to me (Score 1) 860

For me it was a needed reboot that killed it. I had been installing and configuring the system. Only mildly annoyed by the changes, and trying hard to keep an open mind. When I found that a change I had made didn't really seem to be taking effect. So I thought reboot.
Where the hell is the reboot?
Can anyone find the reboot command?
How about a shutdown command?
What the hell have they done? I can't shutdown or Reboot?
Google to the rescue.

Sorry, but if I have to google to figure out how to shut a system down the system is broken beyond repair.
The machine was for multiple remote users testing on a number of VMs. I could just imagine the hell that awaite me trying to teach endusers to log out cleanly. I ended up putting a logout script on the desktop of every user, and telling them that they would horribly break the system if they didn't use it EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

Comment Re:Oh NRC... get your crap together (Score 4, Insightful) 135

The problem is that they don't want to allow any new reactors to be built. Also if the existing reactors are shutdown they all end up out of work.
The best solution, as far as any employee of the NRC is concerned, is extend the existing reactors life.

For the record, I am pro Nuclear power.
But I am also cynical as hell.

Comment Flappy suggestions. (Score 1) 72

The summary has some pretty good suggestions for new Flappy games.
I thought we could so with some more ideas though.
I think an all open source version called Flappy Stallman, would be a good start.
Also Flappy ears. In honour of my girlfriends dog, who I am sure will one day lift off while shaking its head.

Comment Re:much ado about nothing (Score -1, Troll) 506

I am Canadian, and I speak about 20 words of french. (Mostly profanity.)
I often, when reading these sorts of stories, think to myself, "If the business involved do not want french customers then that is their choice."
My response to a "request" of this nature would be one word. "NO!"
Of course I would never be stupid enough to live in Quebec.

Comment (Score 2) 445

PasswordSafe works for me.
Several passwords I need commonly, are written in my wallet, with nothing to indicate what, or what usernname, or system they are for. There are about 5 passwords written on a sticky note stuck to the back of a seldom used credit card.
Everything else is in PasswordSafe.

Comment Re:Of course they are. (Score 1) 712

Like I told one of my clients when I walked into their office, sat down and fixed their problem in under 5 minutes. Then presented them with a bill for $250. They are not paying for me to click a mouse a few times and type for a minute or two. They are paying for the 20+ years experience that tells me where to click, and what to type.

They are also paying because I had already told them this would happen, and provided them detailed instructions on how to prevent it. If they had done what I told them, I would not have had to come out at all. (I think of it as the "stupidity charge") I didn't mention this part, it doesn't pay to piss off clients too much.

Comment Re:Could we be so lucky? (Score 1) 235

You don't see people selling cars with "up to 40mpg", then you only get 5mpg in normal driving conditions.

Where the hell do you live? I have never seen a car get anywhere near what the manufacturers claim for mileage. Admittedly not a 35MPG difference, but I am sure you could manage it, if you tried hard enough.

In a test I did myself, I was able to get close the the claimed mileage, but only by driving and accelerating so slowly that I am sure someone would have run me off the road, or shot me before long.

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