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Comment Re:In a perfect world (Score 1) 51

With the absolute global meltdown of religion that would likely happen in the event of the world learning that life exists beyond our planet, literally shattering damn near every major religion's core belief of a sky daddy/master creator/Adam and Eve,

Why would it "shatter" anything? It may change some things. I'm sure you would probably consider me a religious nut job. But I have no issue with evolution, or that the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years (give or take). There is no where in the bible that says the earth is 6K years. That was a very flawed inference to begin with. I also would not be surprised if what many of us believe is god turns out to be an advanced alien, or alien race. If we brought someone from from biblical times to our time, they'd probably think we were gods. Just imaging if they met a non-corporeal being or even something like the Vorlons from B5. I'm not sure there wouldn't be a large portion of the population even today who wouldn't worship them.

Comment Re:Don't bother. (Score 2) 509

I may not be the only one who thinks having three kids and a house in the suburbs either indicates a serious IQ issue or some sort of mental illness is at work. If one can get sold on the yuppie way of life one has already been lost.

Yuppie = Young Urban Professional, usually childless

The GP is so smart and mentally balanced that not only didn't he get sold on the yuppie way of life. He doesn't even know what it means. ;-)

Comment Re:Benjamin Franklin (Score 5, Interesting) 137

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

I don't know about healthy. But late to bed, late to rise, seems to make you more intelligent and wealthier That study looked at 1000 people, rather than 54. If both studies are accurate, it looks like you can be smart, fat, and rich, or healthy, poor and stupid.

Comment Re:Wear the tin foil hat (Score 0) 303

Remember that intel labs funny research paper on tinfoil hats and how they found that they actually amplify radio signals?

It has been taken offline.


I believe that was aluminum/aluminium hats that amplified radio signals. Tin foil is still OK. But to be sure you really need a Faraday cage hat.

Comment Re:nope! (Score 2) 496

I absolutely do not want to hit any buttons to pan the camera while driving.

Let's make the steering wheel itself surround a giant screen showing everything behind you then, with an additional "pannable" view as a heads-up display projected on the windshield.

If you want to TURN you rotate the wheel.

If you want to pan the camera, you tilt one side of the steering wheel forward and the other side backward, vice-versa.

If it comes down to that, I'm selling my car and getting an M1 Abrams. That way I don't have to check my mirrors before I change lanes.

Comment Re:At least it's on our side! (Score 2) 123

Have you noticed that not too many years ago, Americans would hear about some neat new technical military thing and think, "Wow, I'm glad that's on OUR side!" And now, they just expect it to be used for domestic purposes.

I know. This thing is awesome. Just think about the advances we're going to see in vacuum cleaner and dishwasher tech from this project.

Comment Re:Check out some Volvo ads (Score 1) 314

I'd argue that a selection of accidents chosen for shock value on how mangled the car is while the people inside survived* would also tend to not select 'typical accidents', which I believe would be a relative low speed rear-ending.

How many fatalities like you've described have occurred in a Tesla?

Comment Re:Customers may benefit... maybe (Score 2) 455

They are notorious for advertising they will meet any advertised price for the same product. The problem is that many of their products, while similar, are only a model that Walmart sells, at least in electronics.

That's not just Walmart. Most large retailers do this. The item it identical, but the model numbers are slightly different for each major store.

Comment Wow (Score 3) 314

the vehicle impacted a roundabout at 110 mph, shearing off 15 feet of concrete curbwall and tearing off the left front wheel, then smashing through an eight foot tall buttressed concrete wall on the other side of the road and tearing off the right front wheel, before crashing into a tree. The driver stepped out and walked away with no permanent injuries

I can't be the only one who finds this amazing. People survive these kinds of crashes, but to be able to get yourself out for the vehicle and walk away on your own is impressive.

Comment Re:No problem (Score 1) 423

What do you do when the Win98 machine has a hardware failure?

Unless you've been stockpiling spares since the late 90s, that is a real problem.

Most places that have these systems have done just that. Plus most of the hardware from that era tends to be a less complex and on larger die sizes than what we have today, so it tends to last a lot longer.

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