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Comment Re:Cultural issues (Score 1) 325

I do! I just recognize that what I'm reading doesn't have to have any deeper meaning to be enjoyable. I don't have to ponder the symbolism of red glass dishes or Doric columns in front of someone's house. I can simply enjoy the play of language for its own sake,

Comment Re:Why go for tenure? (Score 1) 325

The argument for tenure is that a professor needs insulation from the politics that inevitably comes about when they touch on prickly subjects. It's even more of a problem these days when you have helicopter parents harassing professors who gave their 19-year-olds a C and the 19-year-olds complained that the teacher was pro-union or talked about evolution, which went against their personal beliefs.

All tenure means if that some student or parent makes a complaint like that, the professor gets a hearing before being fired. Even tenured professors can get fired for serious infractions, like sexually harassing a student or committing a crime.

Comment Re:Cultural issues (Score 4, Interesting) 325

I majored in English for my undergrad. I quickly found that all literature was carefully supported BS, all my lit classes were teaching me was how to produce more carefully supported BS, and while I was good at the BS production I despised it and myself for doing it. I couldn't stomach it. It's a hot mess of group think.

So I focused on technical writing instead, which was a good decision. There are not a lot of ways to BS in a software manual, nor do you really need to.

Comment Re:Entering students too young (Score 2) 325

That was the case for my husband, although he got his PhD in education and not humanities. But he basically wanted to be a professional student. Lucky for him he DID become the outlier and was awarded tenure at his job this year, which he likens to smoking a pack a day and living to be 100.

Comment Good (Score 1) 135

They did have a free page or two and access to news and weather, but the greater Internet was blocked off. I've spent many hours in that airport over the years and will probably spend many many more. The money I save on this can go for being crazy and paying for on-plane Wifi instead.

Comment Re:"Rigorous" peer-review ahahahahahaha (Score 5, Informative) 61

If the methodology looked good and the data looked reasonable, it'd pass the initial round of peer review. They don't recreate the experiment as part of the editorial peer review, they just look for things that were overlooked or that don't make sense. It's up to other labs to reproduce the results and subsequently publish their own papers.

Comment Re:Rinse Lather Repeat. (Score 1) 1198

It's called being a decent human being, and if you're not doing it, then you are no longer "innocent" or the proverbial "nice guy" either. No, you're not responsible for every single interaction around you. Yes, you are responsible for keeping your friends in line when they're doing something stupid or wrong. (That's what friends are for, as the song goes.)

I have dropped friends who were total asshats and refused to listen to my advice on how to stop being total asshats. I can only hope that if enough of their remaining friends drop them for being asshats, they eventually get a clue and stop it.

Comment Re:You know what'll help? (Score 1) 1198

I think that gets to the crux of the problem. Somehow he'd picked up the notion that having an expensive car and nice clothes would make him attractive to women who wanted that sort of thing. While I'm sure there are plenty of gold diggers out there that are as obsessed with those things as he was, they're a bit rarer in colleges where women are learning they can get that stuff for themselves, and they're also not looking for guys the same age as them (they want older men who have already established a pattern of financial luck.) He should have been going after cougars, or high school seniors.

Comment Re:Rinse Lather Repeat. (Score 1) 1198

You may be innocent, but what have you done to stop it? It's one thing to stick your head in the sand and go "lalala I'm not involved" - it's another thing to actively ignore it when you see it around you.

If you are surrounded by nothing but other totally innocent guys (and girls) who are not assholes to people of the opposite gender and thus have never witnessed someone getting harassed, then you're the luckiest guy on the planet and I wish I had your friend set.

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