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Comment Re: Why do you hate freedom? (Score 1) 267

I can "ghost" MAC on every OS known to man - practically. Most of those with a Berkeley-derived TCP stack are
sudo ifconfig /dev/device lladdr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

What we want here is not to just selfishly hide - but to pollute their collection with billions of plausible "false positive" pseudo computers and mobiles.

Comment Re:NSA scorecard on on truth? (Score 1) 200

"We didn't spy on Congressional office holders, or their staffers. We don't conduct mass surveillance. We track only metadata. Our Agency leadership has been exceptionally truthful at all times, under every circumstance. We have never lied about these things in general public statements or in sworn testimony. Edward Snowden is a bad man, a liar and a dangerous enemy of the people of this country."

Comment Re:Ads (Score 1) 330

And so a whole new generation of gamers will learn the pain and heartache of a loved name from their childhood getting ruined by a poorly-thought-out corporate-developed sequel.

At least Star Control 3 wasn't a poorly thought out corporate developed sequel. The melee was so well thought out that there was an A.I. override built in and advertised in the manual to make the A.I. ships act suicidal. That takes planning.

Comment Re: Reliability is key. (Score 1) 600

And this is good thing. The second amendment doesn't specify how much it costs to bear the arms. Only that you're allowed to. So yeah don't ban guns, just increase the cost of possessing them so that only those really really really into guns will go for it.

If we are going to do that, pay for your constitutional rights, how about about $1,000 per year to vote?

I like your ideas and want to subscribe to your newsletter.

Unfortunately, it will cost $100,000,000 per year to practice the free speech of publishing the newsletter, so it may never exist.

Comment Re:So we're doomed to the world of Wall-E? (Score 1) 196

It depends on what you need to do, and what you know about it.

If you are not willing to walk away from it, on short notice? Then buying nothing is wise.

The trick about big financing is that you don't own a house - a bank owns you. Your on their plantation.

If you didn't barter or pay cash, you are on Massah's rules, Massah's time.

Comment Re:So we're doomed to the world of Wall-E? (Score 1) 196

Yes. Enjoy 15-30 years of BEARABLE slavery. But you OWN something... Just ask the taxman.

You have Stockholm syndrome - and don't recognize it. You should read about Edward Bernays, some time - before lashing out in pseudo-moral rage against a proposition who's arguments you fo not actually comprehend.

Comment Re:The Curse of Geolocation Strikes Again! (Score 1) 5

Crazy, isn't it?

Evidently, there is some unwritten law that states that Geolocation by IP address shall override any and all set preferences by the user on their device, and ignore any possibility that barring or redirecting the user makes no sense.

The tyranny of location! Don't worry. They have a fix for that with TPP and TTIP. ;-)

One law to rule them all, one law to bind them...

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