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Comment Re:Change Root Passwords to Your Box (Score 3, Informative) 219

Even better, set both your system and sudo so that nothing ever goes root... Using system user accounts instead of root mean that even if someone goes berserk, he won't have full access on the system; and restrict sudo to only run some commands as other users, instead of using ALL everywhere...

Comment Re:Hadopi and copy tax... (Score 1) 227

It's interesting, but you missed another point.
Way before the HADOPI mess, copying of CD/DVD/YouNameIt was already prohibited, because you'd have to circumvent some kind of protection (yes, breaking DVD CSS is illegal here, although totally stupid).
So, for a long time, it was illegal to made a private copy of almost any media, and yet we were paying for it. Now, they want to extend this tax without any reasoning behind it.
In short, the french government doesn't even try to hide anymore when raising a new tax/extending existing ones.
There's a bad history of the same thing, like french internet providers that had to pay another tax to "help" some industries (guess which...), and in exchange they had a reduction of their VAT. Recently, this reduction was lifted, but the tax remains...

Comment Re:Cases (Score 1) 427

So, in order to get the shiny look of this new iphone, they introduced a serious flaw, that can be removed by putting the damn thing in protective case, that will totally mess the shiny part ? Somehow I think this can't be right, one way or the other.

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