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Comment Re:Maybe, but you won't make it past HR (Score 1) 255

DBAs should not be working with clients.

troubleshooting the basic database connectivity and usage profiles

Again, get decent programmers.

80% of a DBA's job should be administrating the DB servers. The other 20% should only be working with other people who know what they're doing, but need to coordinate with the DBAs. DBAs helping clients and "the rest of the organization" is like your building architect helping people paint the walls. Unless you're talking about a small company where each person has multiple roles.

Comment Re:You are Doomed (Score 1) 50

If you've already turned a profit, then your left over crap could be destroyed and you'd still be fine. At this point you're not trying to be profitable, you're being greedy. It's normal for my company to announce discontinuance of a product and eat the "loss", nearly give away the old stuff just to make room and not waste old product. We always just release the latest greatest asap. We nearly have our market cornered and we're more profitable than the competition.

We focus on quality and our competitors can't figure that out. Pretty much the only people that go to our competitors is because of price(literally could not afford us), but eventually they come to us and we get told about how horrible the experience was with the other people. We've even been complimented by our competitors during the few times we've had to collaborate for very special reasons.

It's hard to get a company started when you focus on quality, but once you're there, you rake in the money. As soon as your get greedy, it's a race to the bottom and you're not longer special. At some point you will be the same as all of your competition and all you can do is compete on price. Enjoy your slim margins.

Comment Re:We need a long-term solution (Score 1) 233

Exactly! Once we start colonizing other plants, time will never be in sync with the Sun for all places. Lets just agree on a rate and an epoch. The rate at which time de-synchs with the visible day is so slow, it'll spread over generations and at some point in the future, 12am local time will be "noon", but who cares. What's way off in the future and it will be normal for those people.

Comment Re:Frivolous (Score 1) 88

At any connection with the source network, you advertise the destinations you're willing to accept traffic for. Nothing requires you to accept packets for your entire global network at every location where you interconnect; that's something you choose (or choose not) to do.

Nothing requires you to, but it is best practice to do so. Hard for a route to fail over if you don't preemptively advertise your network everywhere.

Comment Re:I'm poor and I'm against this (Score 1) 283

Many people around here use the State Universities public labs. You still have to prove you're a local tax payer, but it's not that hard. Bonus is the public labs have no filters and explicitly state you can browse porn as long as it doesn't offend anyone. They recommend taking a computer in a corner and turning the monitor away.

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 2) 283

Pay $100 co-pay for a 1am Er visit to take a quick look at something or use video chat and instantly connect with a doctor for free 24/7. Of course the insurance paid the other $900 of the visit.

An example would be a multi-day fever. I had a 99f fever for server days and spiked to 103f. When I looked on the internet and called a nurse's hotline, everything said to see a doctor. Not because I'm in danger, but because you need to "ask" a doctor. I got to the ER and the doctor just said "Take some ibuprofen, you're fine". Of course the damage had already been done for the bill. Now my insurance allows for 24/7 "free" webcam chats with a real doctor. Saves me money, saves them money, my premium is going down.

I could see this service being a great money saver for low income families.

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 1) 283

Cannot get a job without internet and an email around here. Even Walmart or McDonalds require you to apply online and will communicate with you via email. If you ask for a "normal" job application, they tell you they only accept online applications. Nearly every job around withing a few hours of driving is that way.

Comment Re:Solar Cell efficiency (Score 1) 64

Since the reflection is being done by the pattern, if you make these nano mirror a really thin layer, it may possibly be transparent to the other frequencies. If you can make a given layer transparent and a perfect mirror for a specific, just make these in layers. I made a huge assumption.

If they are not perfectly transparent, then the absorption is probably multiplicative. You can probably put some layers for the primary frequencies you want to reflect, then have a catch-all regular mirror underneath.

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