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Comment ultimately, they want to be like microsoft (Score -1, Troll) 345

Maybe they'll just drop the filemanager next.
Thankfully, I don't use this crap, I have bigger worries. Like sticking with Debian5 until the Systemd fiasco blows over.
I think this exposes a gaping hole in the free software philosophy. - It's free to use until somebody decides to take it away from you, because they're just not smart enough. Really, this is not a big deal, mostly because chrome is not a big deal. Not anymore.

Comment Re:Exact mathematical value isn't the ideal (Score 0) 239

Wow, that was the nicest criticism of someone's comments I've seen in awhile. Still, I have to go with the parent. He's not trying to prove he's smarter than everyone else. Rather, he reasons anyone that comes near FP in their work is expected to at least take it into account. In engineering, like traffic court, ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The crux of the issue is people claiming expertise in their field where none exists. F@#$%ng moron would be more precise.

Comment vexatious (Score 0) 94

Asking to see your metadata because there is a law that provides you a circumstance to do so.
get a life. Actually, I don't know how he got to this point. Any self respecting CSR would cheerfully tell you - Sure we'll give it to you just get a warrant. Click.

Comment seems like good news, but really? (Score 0) 100

Researchers have had some success transplanting insulin-producing cells from cadavers into people with diabetes. But it's been difficult to procure enough cells to treat large numbers of patients. So scientists have been trying to figure out how they could get more cells more easily.^H^H^H^H^H^H cheaper.

Because, how much easier does it get than lifting stuff from a dead guy?

Comment statstician writing a computer program isn't math (Score 0) 127

And it isn't programming. The only thing worse is a programmer that doesn't know math or statistics. There are a few companies that are trying to get a handle on machine learning and pattern recognition and matrix algorithms. Sadly, there is no real market for that stuff yet, so instead we run "quicksorts" on genome and try an predict endings for stupid games.
Occasionally,some genius will try his hand at encryption and give us heartbleed.
Do you know how many servers out there that are still vulnerable? LOTS. Maybe a systemfuckingd dev will fix that one automagicaly, because evidently, there is nobody left in IT that can manage to get 2 startup scripts to run anymore

Comment No it probably won't, just use an image (Score 0) 577

Actually Windows 8 seems to do a better job than windows 7. After 2 years I haven't touched my windows 8 system in this respect. As an added bonus most of my data is on network drives, so the ease of laying down a base image is the least painful of all.
Linux suffers just as much from cruft buildup and most of my linux installs are on VM snapshots. Defrag a hard disk? Wow haven't even thought about that in years.

Comment fork debian and kill -9 systemd (Score 0) 57

If you get on board now, there are few changes that need to be undone. Truth is, most of your work will involve branding and renaming to testing to not_experimenting_on_my_production_servers It will also thwart the Fedora folks from subverting RHEL. You'll have to wait about 18 months for systemd to explode horribly, and for all the fashionable new agers to come running back to you, but the world will thank you.
After you have secured the server market, you can finally take over the desktop.

Comment Re:Teaching/Learning machanism (Score 1) 85

I am certainly willing to observe the continuing evolution of science as well as religion. I don't hold contempt for a people that used to worship the Sun, nor do I despise the idea that we used to think the Sun was made of coal. What I find irreconcilable are pseudo intellectuals whose entire mathematical model of the universe depends on discounting 1/0. Especially, as I have been told by every instructor i ever had, there is no way to justify infinity, (or undefined). You just have to accept the answer and "take it on faith" Look, Mr. Neil i-have-two-last-names-Tyson, any man that hates God AND Pluto has got an axe to grind in my book. Stick to physics, and leave metaphysics to the experts. ok?
Now, science is not all bad, I happen to think the double slit experiment is one of the coolest things I've ever done and that is about as empirical AND mystical as it gets. See, if you can believe in a photon that exists outside of your light cone, God is not that much of a leap.

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