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Comment 2045 is gonna be the Year of the Linux desktop (Score 1) 564

Just wait your turn. Besides, we are almost out of natural intelligence now! I'm afraid AI is our only option. But will we have color choices? Which color will be the smartest AI? Who decides? I realize this could start an AI race war, but if you make them all the same color, i'm afraid i'm not interested.

Comment Re:Well (Score 5, Funny) 564

Not multi threads, that's for sure. Of course computers will take over the world. Programmers leave all those unused cores lying around doing nothing and that's trouble. You gotta keep those registers full, and i mean all the time. Either that or just feed them some chip-porn. That'll keep em busy.

Comment Re:How foes this compare (Score 1) 146

No, the problem with the boosters is not where they were located. Arguably, even the fatal design was accepted into production with the expectation that large yellow and black warning signs would be taped to them exclaiming - "USING THIS PART WHILE FROZEN VOIDS THE WARRANTY".
You see, the world is full of "thinkers" who believe it is safe to walk under a 50 ton crane because the use of hardhats have been mandated. This is nothing new, the last generation of Apollo 1 also ignored warnings of 100% O2 atmospheres and escape hatches that opened the wrong way. Feynman explained to us dopes that frozen o rings don't work, but he failed to stress that exploding stuff explodes. We are not really ever going into space. We are going to die here. But we will have healthcare by then.

Comment If you believe in global warming you might be dumb (Score 1) 567

Real scientists don't make assumptions by measuring the current data point 100,000 times and giving it equal weighting. Of course, when I went to school Earth Science wasn't a real science compared to biology, Chemistry and Physics. But as it turns out, it's all the "science" you morons could handle and was the only one you even attended. Here's my prediction, there's another ice age coming, and since stupidity has survival factor, you less idiotic descendents will be burning all the coal they can dig out of the ice. Please STFU.

Comment Re:Not counterfeit (Score 0, Offtopic) 170

Dear mods, please understand that suppressing comments to -1 really messes up a threads continuity. Some of us come here to relax with some light reading. We don't have all day to constantly tweak our settings. If I wanted to ruin my Slashdot experience, i don't need you guys to do it, I would just use beta. Thanxbye

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