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Comment Re:the joker in the formula (Score 1) 686

Humans did not spring from the rest of the apes, fully formed, and ready to assert dominance over the world.

They most certainly did. That is how differentiation works. Evolution only seems smooth over billions of years because anthropomorphic viewpoints tend to gloss over the 99% of species that are dead right now for betting on the wrong pony.
The fact that Humans share 99% of DNA with Chimpanzees should clue you in that changes to the remaining 1% are catastrophic. There is nothing wrong with either the Drake equation or Evolution. They are both very entertaining and thoughtful ideas that are living contradictions of the scientific method.

Comment Re:So glad it's over (Score 2) 151

I have a built in Nvidia 8300 GS that came with the hand me down dell XPS-410 my wife brought home from work.
I put 6 GB ram in even though Crucial and Dell both tell you it won't work. Should have went for 8 so I could have a bigger ram drive. - I actually ran out of memory the other night running 64 bit Waterfox! (that was a first.) I put a ragged old OCX SSD in it that I bought for $20 when OCZ put themselves out of business. Then I put windows 8 on it for $30. It refuses to update to 8.1. (how bad are the H1B's over at Microsoft anyway?) I will probably upgrade to CentOS 7 soon because this computer will probably last till 2020.
Isn't this sad? I can squeeze crap out of a buffalo nickle. But the real challenge is assembling absolute garbage into a fairly usable system.
I don't knock people that buy $1,000 video cards, they usually pay well for doing things like adjusting their "tiny fonts". Really, get off my lawn.

Comment Re:Resolution (Score 1) 316

Yes, Yes I can. It is without question the only suitable prop for a starship yeoman. To think a girl would be dragging a crash cart on to the bridge is more crazy than thinking Verizon is going to give you service in the Orion Nebula.
I thought you guys knew this stuff.

Comment Re:Or... (Score 1) 316

Oh you want an honest assessment? Linux is a steaming pile of shit for most use cases. For ANY use case that does not involve FREE there is a better (and more expensive) alternative. I still use Linux a lot because like most people I love the false economy of FREE SHIT. By the same token, i only fell for the false economy of overpaying for an Apple product once. That leaves me with Windows. A company that is too stupid to put a file manager on their phones. Now how the hell do you think that makes me feel?

Comment Re:Resolution (Score 2) 316

Incorrect. you don't know what ROI means.
You could buy a really nice 15" Macbook for $2600.00 or you could start with a refurbished Dell Latitude e6400 for $150.

If you invest the difference for a year, you could buy a better laptop every year for the rest of your life. In the end you would end up with several nice Macbooks and a house to put them in that isn't in your parents basement.
Learn how money works.

Submission + - Will UlltraDimms beat Flying Cars to market? (

NemoinSpace writes: It's coming up on a year since the product announcement, and 5 months since Lenovo said it would take over IBM's x86 server line. Hopefully these nifty little pieces of silicon will move faster than the speed of business. What would you do with a 400Gb flash drive that runs directly on the memory bus? No one else is talking.

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