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Comment Re:Protecting the arts and artists (Score 1) 442

Corporations should not have copyright ... give it to a person, that might be the CEO but at least assign it to a real person

Similar to Patents it should be from N years of first publication (not creation) in *any* medium (no different copyright for new medium), but they have limited rights before that

This gives the creator control, and rights from when they can reasonably start to reap the rewards ..but also gives them enough time to make it ready (none of this complaining about different time to markets)

Comment Re:Trust (Score 2) 404

It depends what you mean by guaranteed civil rights ... We don't have a (written) constitution that guarantees this but we do have a body of legislation that does the same thing (possibly better?)

Your constitution guarantees freedom of speech (which ours does not explicitly) but you have more legislation that removes this in some (many) circumstances

Comment Re:Read the court order here, all 4 pages of it (Score 2) 609

Remember that in most of the western world Obama would be considered Right of Centre, and Bush Very Right of Centre ...

Like most political systems with only a few parties the parties likely to get elected are very similar (and continually go on about where they differ)

But the alternative is many parties that differ a lot, but you need a coalition to get anything done and they tend to average out ....

Comment Re:That's great and all (Score 2) 127

Last Mile - Owned by BT and mostly very low quality copper

BT will not invest because they have to give access to anyone at below rock bottom prices and might on the whims of the government get it taken away from them at any time

No-one else will invest because they can just hive off BT, the only exception is Cable, which is almost all one company...and so they have no reason to invest further either ...

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