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User Journal

Journal Journal: KioskCom

KioskCom is coming up, april 15th. Good source for kiosk related issues (software, security etc) as well as pay-per-use wireless applications.

Journal Journal: FindaFreek.com


This is a new community website I have been working on for the past year or so. It has become kinda popular, with alot of members, and lots of visits.

I think the best part is that over 30% of our user base stays on the site for longer then 1 hour! This is amazing because most sites have only a few seconds or minutes per user.


Journal Journal: Kiosk Kontrol software

My new software is coming along well.

www.public-internet.net has access to it.

The software website www.kioskkontrol.com

This software, once finished will give kiosk vendors access to many tools for monitoring and maintaining their internet kiosks.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I hate journals

These things should be enabled or disabled, im sure half the users dont even use them.

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