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Comment Re:take all of your concerns with marijuana (Score 1) 572

Or maybe it means that (Gasp!) most Americans would rather be free to choose what they want to do with their own bodies than be told by a government what they are and are not allowed to do like a three year old?
It's not like freedom is the core principal that our country was founded on or anything...

Comment Re:prohibition does not work (Score 1) 358

If 300 times the people are willing to download an album that now costs $15 for $.05, then they break even. Less than that because of markup, probably only costs them about $6 per album, so that's only 120 times the people to break even. All of this is on top of the sales they would (yes, still) have from selling physical albums.

Comment Re:Write once, reproduce more (Score 1) 154

I suspect that signatures, together with other low-security authentication mechanisms such as PINs and credit card numbers etc, are really only there so that when people do falsify or misuse them you can legitimately lock them up for various forms of fraud.

Rknpgyl. N fvtangher vf gb senhq nf ebg-13 vf gb QEZ. Abj cercner gb or QZPN'q. :)

Comment Re:Open Source Alternatives (Score 1) 252

Others commented on the OS textbook, the other quote from TFA that mentions open source is:

Chopra demonstrates a deep understanding of the idea that the government is an enabler, not the ultimate solution provider. From the list of initiatives above, you can see that Chopra grasps the power of open source software, Web 2.0, user-participation, and why it's better to harness the ingenuity of a developer community than to specify complete top-down solutions. In a conversation with me a couple of months ago, he expressed his enthusiasm for the idea of a "digital commonwealth," a recognition that technology can help us to come together as a society to solve problems and create value through common effort.

(emphases added)

Comment Re:[Don't] Profit! (Score 2, Insightful) 501

How many sales do you think you would make with out the 5,000 (I assume happy with your product) pirates?

$500 is still more than what you would make if only 20 bought your game because of the other 30 never hearing about it from the pirates, or not buying it because they didn't have a chance to try it out for free first.

Comment Re:Very nice & interesting technique (Score 1) 180

literally, 30x as fast!


Actually, 1ms would be 30x as fast as 30ms, or 29x faster.

Oms can't be represented as 'so many times as fast as" any number, but since 0ms is actually anything less than 0.5ms (assuming that you only have the one sig-fig) then we CAN say that 0ms is at least 60x as fast as 30ms, or at least 59x faster.

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