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Comment Re:Who doesn't (Score 1) 11

Ron Wyden I see as giving in quite quickly. He ran on the idea of being a Hatfield type conservative, bucking the party that endorsed him, and then morphed into yet another party hack after he was elected, paying back those who pay for his campaigns.

Same with Rand Paul, he's just got a different set of donors than most Republicans, which can appear to be solid beliefs when they really aren't.

The flip side of corporate political campaigns, is that good businessmen don't spend money without a significant return on investment, for anything.

Comment Re:I blame racism (Score 1) 4

except Natalie, of Natalie's Cakes N More bakery, is African American.

I notice that a bunch of rich white conservatives though got together to support her:

The only thing faster than the rioting, is this GoFundMe account, in which she's not only got back the $20,000 needed to rebuild her bakery, but a good year's salary in the bank besides.

Comment Who doesn't (Score 1) 11

I don't need to know so much who's supporting a candidate, because that only matters if I already know that they don't have solid beliefs themselves and are primarily just doing what their supporters want.
What politician has solid beliefs?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ferguson 2 4

So I'm seeing a bunch of wailing and caterwauling from the Left about how the riots hurt minority owned businesses...

Comment Re:Such a shame (Score 1) 38

To bad your faction is aiding and abetting, actually scaring people (but not too many, lest you upset the carefully cultivated 50-50 split that keeps the game going) into voting for democrats with the 'crazy' act.

Crazy, you say? Here's crazy, with a smattering of stupid thrown in. Ladies and gentlemen, the modern liberal:

Hank Johnson, D-GA
Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX
Calvacade of Liberal Democrats
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ferguson 38

Told You So

And then I went further.

Now I'm going to tell you the rest:

The protests are nothing more than an attempt at a Reichstag fire, an effort to give Chairman Zero reason to declare martial law - for "social justice" (which of course, is not justice).

Comment Re:This is the voice of world control. (Score 1) 106

Love it, but a nuclear warhead going off in a silo, especially where the United States and the old Soviet Union put most silos, is a meh.

It'll do a lot of damage to the silo. It will kill the people in the silo. It *might* poison the groundwater for a couple of miles radius. But that's it.

Comment Re:Systemd works OK in Fedora (Score 1) 581

I had a system where switching a SCSI card with a NIC from PCI1 to PCI2 (and vice versa of course), made Windows 2000 bluescreen. Just switching those two cards. Nothing else and the SCSI had only a scanner attached, no bootable devices.

So, yes, that is long ago, but Windows 2000 implies at least the year 2000.

Linux didn't complain at all.... Yes, I was running Linux back then in dual boot.

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