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Comment Re:Opportunity (Score 5, Interesting) 609

Your estimate is almost certainly far too pessimistic.

The USN was doing skunkworks stuff during the cold war, with purpose-outfitted subs, finding interesting bits of Soviet hardware in some crazy deep waters. I seriously doubt that they've forgotten how to do it. My money would be that they've continue to develop the capability, but even if all it's done is stagnate they've already proven very competent at finding Soviet needles in oceanic haystacks. And NORAD will have some very accurate tracking to help them start the search. Hell, I'd bet even money they've already got something out in the Pacific somewhere waiting for just such an opportunity. Or there's a lot of crewmen who just went off leave all of a sudden.

Have a read of "Blind Man's Bluff" sometime, there's some rather fascinating escapades in there.

Comment I used voip for my farewell... (Score 1) 703

I was leaving on good terms, just moving on to a higher paying gig. Earlier in the year I'd figured out how to make the company asterisk system make an auto call to log off hotdesk phones; this process activated the speakerphone function and auto-answer to complete the call.

So I made a nice recorded msg about how great it had been, love y'all, that sort of thing. Then ended with "Before I go, I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling"...

And proceeded to RickRoll the entire company.

It was the sort of company that totally grokked the humor of it, and they were still happily sharing the story months later...

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