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Comment Re:Practicality? (Score 2) 230

Anti-life suffers from the same problems. Let's say I want 3 children. If the first one is born with some disability that costs more time, energy, and resources than I can afford for the next two children I wanted, you've now prevented the birth of two healthy children so that one disabled one can live. One child that I do not want. Who now is anti-life? I could spin it as pro-prevent-healthy-babies-from-ever-being-born.

Comment Re:grand father laws? (Score 1) 369

Not likely in your lifetime, probably not your kids either. There will only be immediate benefits for us. I'm all for less cars on the road due to improved efficiency, and the cars that are automated on the road are going to be much, much safer. So, you can enjoy driving your classic with less fear of some teen in an air cushioned behemoth killing you and your car.

Comment Re:Gun control however... (Score 1) 856

In a bizarre collision of the two, a school I used to go to had some students that wanted to protest some gun control measure or something. They were to wear empty holsters and shirts with guns on them or something.

So, the school responded to their declared intent by saying they could only protest in the designated "Free Speech Zone", couldn't wear holsters, nor could they wear any shirts that were "threatening", (iow, "Had guns pictured on them").

Law suit comes, sees, conquers.

Ignoring the gun control part for the moment... what the hell? Free Speech Zone... at a school? What perversion of culture is this crap?

Comment Re:Restricted use? (Score 1) 551

I find it not a surprise. Because NPR. .50 ant-materiel rifles, especially bolt-action ones are available in even some of the most restrictive states. Yet there doesn't seem to be a problem with them. Really, there's not much of a problem with "assault weapons" other than sensationalism. Income disparity + handguns are by far the problem if you want to be rational about it.

Comment Re:Gun control however... (Score 1) 856

I can agree. Gun Free Zones were declared unconstitutional the first time around. Then Congress was like, "But our students are scared of guns, and they might work in a different state at some point, therefore commerce clause!" It seems to have worked really well. I mean, you've never heard of any massacres in Gun Free Zones, have you?

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