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Comment Re:So by forced, they mean chose (Score 2) 174

Remember the song Jenny (867-5309) from the '80s? At the time, dozens of people were forced to change their phone number ... though at least one business changed their TO 8675309. But then again. they didn't really have anyone named Jenny answering the phones. In fact, their answering machine message started with "Jenny's not here right now ..."

Or then again there's which was an ADA-related programming site, as opposed to the ad-blocking program Ad-Aware (someone forgot to check whether the web address was available). After ADA-ware said who they were, they offered a link to a competing ad blocker - I guess they didn't appreciate the traffic they were getting.

There is somewhat of a lost opportunity in the fact they were getting all that attention - it's a chance to introduce themselves to new people who might not ever have heard of them. But no, they shouldn't branch out or misrepresent themselves ...

Comment Re:Legislation (Score 1) 207

"DNT fails because it leaves the fox guarding the henhouse.. The only way to get rid of web tracking is to kill the scriptable browser."
Scriptable browsers are what makes most ad-blocking features work - and all online "apps", like Gmail etc. Advertisers would love it if you killed scriptable browsers, but online services would hate it. Kill cookies (other than session cookies), sure, but not scripting.

Comment Re:It'd be very interesting (Score 1) 114

Depends on what they had before ... if the answer is "radios" (and no computers of any kind) then it's fairly obvious how joining the 21st century could help them. Or if - like our locals here - they were still driving around with large 19" monitors in their patrol cars and the hardware to drive such a monitor (both power and data) ... that's fairly obvious too. All depends on what they were using before.

Comment Re:Uhhh... (Score 4, Interesting) 254

If the exponent is not prime, then the number will not be prime.

I don't do HTML, I'll use the symbol ^ for exponent (I don't do C either). Let's suppose c = a*b, then 2^c - 1 is divisible by both 2^a - 1 and 2^b - 1. (That's true with x instead of 2, the difference being 2^1 - 1 is 1 which is not prime.) Whether the definition requires primality or not, mathematics dictates that the exponent must be prime.

Comment Re:Safari and Firefox (Score 1) 111

Sounds to me like they have found Java exploits posted to compromised accounts, at a guess. They're advising people to disable Java so that their personal computers aren't compromised as well..

How much personal information is required to set up a Twitter account? I don't use it, but I'd guess not much. So what the hackers gained is 1/4 of a million places to post links to exploit sites - places that may have a wide audience (twitter followers).

Comment Re:Can someone remind me why this is sinister? (Score 1) 297

If you have to swipe, then it's not RFID.

Everyone has badges these days; ours (at a retail store) are simple barcode. I'm sure some places probably still use magnetic stripes (like on credit cards). The thing with RFID is you don't have to get it out to scan or swipe it (unless of course you carry it in one of those security wallets), if you come close enough to the detector it can read it in your pocket (or on your pocket, for name badges). No need for people to stand in line to swipe their card.

Comment Re:bodhi linux (Score 1) 259

E17 "previews" (betas or whatever you want to call them) have been available for years, I had it installed as a secondary desktop on both Mageia releases and on Mandriva before that ... but the official version number was 16.99. (For the record, KDE is my primary DE, but I also install Enlightenment, XFCE and fluxbox.)

No plans on building from source, I'm sure Mageia will have it up shortly.

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