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Comment Re:Silicon valley.... (Score 2, Funny) 162

It is prone to jitter. Plus only an analog connection can accurately reproduce the full color gamut that today's high end systems can generate. The same way audiophiles can hear the jaggyness of digital audio, many skilled developers can see the ones and zeros of such a digital link. With analog monster brand DVI cables, it is a pure waveform.

Your suggestion to use DSL is silly. DSL is prohibitively expensive. So expensive that only two kings in Prussia have such technology. Besides--what use is connecting two computers with a high speed link?

Comment Re:Not as cool as it used to be (Score 4, Insightful) 162

If you are running a massive data center that hosts a webfarm, cloud cluster, or some other large horizontally scaled computing project and require highly technical staff troubleshooting individual machines onsite, your process and application is completely screwed up. A well designed, horizontally scaled app should not fail if multiple machines go down.

At the scale of Yahoo, Google or facebook, they probably dont even bother to troubleshoot a machine that is even hinting at questionable behavior. They just yank it off the load balancer and have some unskilled dude take the machine, dump it, and put in a new one.

If you have a massive failure of your system, short of a natural disaster it ain't a hardware issue or a server issue. It is an application bug that require software engineers to fix. They don't have to be at the datacenter, they just create a patch from the comfort of their normal office (or home) and push it out to production.

Comment Re:Silicon valley.... (Score 4, Funny) 162

I agree with your concerns. Many Silicon Valley startups have taken to using expensive Monster Brand DVI cables to link the computers in Buffalo with the monitors in the Valley.

That said, many techies claim you can just use ordinary lamp cord for the DVI signal, true techies know that Monster Cable uses sophisticated techniques to cut out jitter and chromatic abnormalities often introduced in transit over the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I personally would not hire an admin who did not use monster cabling.

Some have taken to frame-grabbing. They capture the screen in Buffalo several times second, compress the image using sophisticated algorithms such as GIF89 or TIFF, and the send them using ordinary phone lines as pulses of one or zero. It is very expensive, and only the most well funded start-ups use this technique.

Comment Re:Thanks for the videos! (Score 2, Insightful) 86

Ditto. Tried to find it on YouTube... No dice. The least they could do is upload it to YouTube (or the much better vimeo). On YouTube it would play everywhere, including through the media player hooked up to the tv.

Which sucks because I wanted to watch it. I certainly ain't gonna go use my "real" computer.

Stupid FOSS politics. Gets in the way of actually doing useful things.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 2, Insightful) 165

Twitter is hardly mainstream. Out of a huge assortment of people I know, almost all of them, nerds or technophobes have a facebook account. I have only met one person who claims to use Twitter.

Twitter is pure, 100% hype. It is the most hyped ".com" I've seen since, well, the days. Seriously. Twitter is not mainstream in the least.

Comment Re:Does this take into account... (Score 0) 180

Those "normal" people will not care if their phone is hobbled by the carrier.

I don't know if that is true anymore. The market for mobile apps might have shifted just enough that people will want "killer apps" on their phone. If the cell companies start locking stuff so that you can only buy through their app store, people won't buy the phone.

Now, all the crapplets and custom branding? Just look at how much of that shit is on the average laptop. The average buyer either doesn't care, or does care but thinks it is too much of a hassle to remove.

Even if the way americans buy cell phones changes, and we start buying unlocked phones, the crapplets will remain—they will just be from the vendor that sold the phone.

But locked down app stores (in the "must be signed by and bought in the AT&T / Verison mega-mall to run on this phone sense, not the apple app store sense") days are numbered.

Comment Fight what? (Score 0, Redundant) 315

Those jailbreaks are only possible through exploits in the operating system. "jailbreak" is really an emphusium for "local root exploit" (or in some cases, "remote root exploit"). Would you rather they leave the local root exploit in the code?

Here is why jailbreaks are bad: do you really trust the code you just ran to do the right thing? It is like running a keygen as root as admin on XP (ie the default for win XP). Sure it might crack the program, but lots of those "harmless" keygen programs jnstallled other, not so harmless things like spyware and botnet clients.

The people who make these jailbreak apps do share a somewhat common lineage with the keygen scene. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those things are installing other, more "exciting" things as part if their payload. And if they aren't now, it is 100% likely somebody will. It may not be on the mainstream jailbreak download, but people are idiots and run things they download from anywhere. Download the wrong jailbreak and your iPad/iPhone will get hosed.

Comment Re:You know what would make it instant? (Score 0) 408

I too use tech Luddites. And it is very apt in this site. I partially blame the "hacker culture" spun up by people like RMS. To them, if it is easy to use, it is sinful and you should feel guilty using it.

It is basically geek religion—seriously! Easy to use, or proprietary both evoke guilty pleasure. Pleasure is shameful and sinful. Forgiveness comes in busting your ass off using Pure Free Software like GNUsense.

I'd elaborate more, but I am delay serious when I say that kind of techludditism stems from a modern day form of religion that targets the same types of guilty/sin triggers that something like, say, catholisism does. Religion for nerds.

Comment Re:Latency? (Score 0) 228

Your post makes little sense. Short of increasing the speed of light, how to you propose a designer can decease latency on a network where they do not have control over the hops between the two endpoints.

The only reason landlines have less latency is because the telco owns the entire route between point A and point B (or at least to where it gets handed off to Skype or your cell provider)

Comment Re:for those laughing (Score 0) 439

Because that would cost a hell of a lot more money to build, develop and maintain.

What open book format?
How will the school convince publishers to use that format?
Who will ensure the system in the Childs hand remains secure?
If you propose a heterogeneous environment where this whole thing runs of varied platforms, who will test it?
If you propose the kids use their own setup, what if that setup is not supported?

Or you can just buy a crate of ipads, shove a bunch of ebooks on there and call it a day.

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