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Comment Re:what that leaves out (Score 2, Informative) 386

Well, looks like I didn't have to say any of what I have to say. So I'll say this instead.

Look to Louisville, KY for how bad things can get when we try to be desperately politically correct or try to sweep it all under the rug. The "teens" have formed a gang among three+ schools and have exceeded the capacity of the police there. Oddly, only a small number of arrests have been made and of those they do not fit the profile of the "teens." Meanwhile, among the terror and chaos, the mayor essentially says "shelter in place" and "be unarmed" after the police leadership came out to the people saying they could not manage this situation and could not protect the public. The FBI has come forward to open all of this up and the truth is far worse than any previous reporting.

It's beyond control and media and others are STILL trying to cover this up. This is not the sort of thing which can simply be ignored. At some point, this sort of problem will be visible from space and people are going to have to ask some serious questions about all of this.

It all leads to this: ignoring crime and crimina tendencies only leads to its growth and intensification. Remember Trayvon? Turns out, he would be alive if only the school police were allowed to do their job instead of suppressing information about black criminals in their schools. Had he been referred to the local police after being caught with stolen articles and "burglary tools" he might have been detailed instead of getting into a violent confrontation which resulted in his death.

People can cook up all sorts of ways to spin this and you could be on every side of the issue. Some people generally feel "who cares!? let them kill each other off and stop trying to slow it down!" There seems to be evidence that this is precisely what is happening though the question of intent remains unanswered. And while stats say black people are far worse to each other than they are to other people, there is clear evidence that they are a danger to everyone even if it's not everyone equally.

Smart black people generally try to make a living for themselves, raise families and do all the right things and, individually, they are great people. But somehow, in numbers, things always seem to deteriorate.

Comment Inequality starts with unequal interests (Score 0) 673

Most people have been human their whole lives with an understanding of human nature which goes back as far as humans have existed. There are reasons for our body forms, our mental and emotional structures and patterns and more. Yet somehow, in a window of less than 50-60 years, all of that wisdom and understanding is to be challenged as completely false and that it is opportunity which is to blame for women not being involved in certain fields and occupations and discrimination against women which yields lower pay for women.

Study after study has shown that most of the occupational choice issues are just that -- choices. Women are born with careers in being female and most are practically obsessed with merely being female. (By comparison, how often do men go around seriously saying "because I'm a man!"? I haven't seen or heard anything like that in more than 20 years.) And even the POTUS who is supporting propaganda about an alleged "war on women" spouts out nonsense about 77 cents on the dollar and when challenged with that very "problem" in his own administration, they make excuses which sound REMARKABLY like the results of so many studies on the matter. And if what the POTUS says is true of his administration, how can they make claims of 77/100 with a straight face against the rest of the nation? It's completely disingenuous.

At the end of the day, women want what they want. I would personally prefer to see more geek girls out there giving me fewer awkward conversations with people I would otherwise have nothing in common. That's not the way it goes. And here's stark reality no one ever seems to talk about.

Women with careers are frequently torn between two careers where one is motherhood. Heaven help the woman who is accused of being an unfit mother. Does this seem at all reasonable or fair to you? What's the end-game? Population decrease among more intelligent people?

Are these issues being pushed to distract or to destroy? Both? We should all be at least a little skeptical of the motives behind all of this.

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 1) 510

Is a world without sound a handicap? Absolutely. Is a world without sound dangerous? ABSOLUTELY.

What gets me is the obvious duplicity. They often feel loud sounds which can get their attention (as we all do) and that's good. But is that enough? NO. It's not and it can't be.

And if there were an additional sense which would allow humans to detect against other dangers in life, I would consider the absense of that sense to be a disability as well... or perhaps, the presense as a super-power. The point is having senses are essential. Having them reduced or absent is an impairment. Being about to get through life happily with an impairment is wonderful. But it's still an impairment.

It's when an impairment becomes something which must be agressively defended that things have gone too far.

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 5, Insightful) 510

In so many ways this mirrors black culture and I'm willing to accept down-modding for this. But it's basically true.

1. Self-improvement is viewed as traitorous.
2. Entitled to royal treatment and royal public assistance.
3. Highly exclusive.
4. Views others with suspicion and contempt.

I think point #1 is especially important. EVERYONE, myself included, are perfectly comfortable around people who simply want to join in and be one of the crowd. We've got common interests and what have you and that's okay. We're co-workers and we can get along, work and play well together. But the moment words like "traitor" or "sell-out" get asserted by their other identity groups, things get pretty screwed up.

I don't mean to say being black is a disability. I don't mean to say being deaf is a race. I mean to point out that identity groups can be harmful at times. ID grouping is NATURAL. I'm a man. I'm white. I'm southern. I'm [fill in the blank]. And I like to do and share things with people who are like me. That's natural. But I might also identify with groups which tend to disagree with my other ID groups such as being atheist. Being atheist does not 'require' that I hate anyone else. Being white does not require that I hate anyone else.

But in the case of certain, let's say 'radical' members of these ID groups, they believe it IS license to hate.


How Cochlear Implants Are Being Blamed For Killing Deaf Culture 510

First time accepted submitter Maddie Kahn (3542515) writes "Deaf culture has its own language, its own social norms, its own art forms, its own theater. But it's under threat. Why? Because most parents of deaf children now choose to use technology to help their kids hear. This piece explores why a revolutionary technology stands accused of killing a culture."

Comment Re:As it was weeks ago... (Score 2, Insightful) 92

This is all to be expected isn't it? It seems like when there is opportunity to scam people out of money, someone will set up an operation to exploit it. Every natural disaster results in hundreds of fake charities being set up to collect donations. And digital currency saw all manner of opportunists attempting to participate at every level from bitcoin mining viruses to setting up exchanges with disappearing money "bugs."

Anyone who didn't expect it was born yesterday under a rock.

Comment Re:I've worked with many Russians... (Score 3, Insightful) 132

Japanese products were initially low quality too. There have been a few interesting books on the subject of the change. In particular, several Japanese companies focussed very heavily on quality control processes for about a decade, which allowed them to dramatically improve their quality. Over the same time, the Japanese people who had been responsible for copying the designs became sufficiently familiar with them that they were able to initially improve them and then produce better ones.

The main factor stopping Russia or China going through the same transition is institutionalised corruption. It's hard to implement good quality control if you can't trust the people doing the inspections not to take bribes...

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