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Comment Re:Um, got one already, it has a Bosch brand on it (Score 1) 277

In my opinion, a dishwasher is to washing dishes as a Roomba is to vacuum cleaning.

They cannot do the whole job, and not at the same level as a human being. In a restaurant you can actually notice if they use a dishwasher or not for glasses, knives etc.

Comment Re:Officially Freaked Out (Score 1) 427


See also the interesting number paradox. If there is a collection of numbers you can define as non-interesting, because they lack any properties you consider useful or interesting, then being in that collection makes them special in some way, so they aren't really non-interesting anymore.

In the same way, taking extreme measures to make your writings lack any distinctive properties will make them stand out.

Comment Re:Here's why it works: (Score 1) 72

The malicious MSI therefore ends up tricking gnome-exe-thumbnailer into running arbitrary VBScript.

This looks to me like the script equivalent of an SQL injection attack. In an SQL injection, unverified text is copied into an SQL query, which allows an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands. In this 'bad taste' vulnerability, a filename (which can contain almost any possible character) is copied into a small VB script, allowing an attacker to execute arbitrary VB script code simply by giving a file a carefully crafted name.

Aside from the injection vulnerability, this particular version of the attack would not be possible if there had been some extra restrictions on what characters are permitted to be used in filenames (on Linux). Scripting would be a lot easier if one did not have to account for the possibility that people use double quotes, newline characters or even stranger things in filenames. Sadly, there are those who oppose any restriction on which characters can be used in filenames, simply because they want to be able to abuse the filesystem as a cheap hash table with raw binary data as filenames.

Comment Re:"Police found Purinton 80 miles away at Applebe (Score 5, Insightful) 1149

I'd mod you down if I had points,

Don't mod down someone if you disagree with what they wrote. That is abuse of the moderation system. Write a reply instead.

but instead I'll just say the right to bear arms is a good thing.

You might want to provide some arguments for that.

Comment Re:A day that ends in "y" for LAPD (Score 0) 390

Let consenting adults engage in whatever services they deem fit, and then focus law enforcement resources on those who actually harm others.

Look, I don't care if prostitution should be legal or not. But think about his: how do you define consent? How many prostitutes are doing it only because they really need the money, to feed their family? Or maybe they are addicted to drugs, and have no other way to pay for their addiction. Can you honestly say that being a prostitute is what they really want? Is that consent? What would happen if, say, a country starts providing basic income to all their citizens. How would that affect the number of people working in prostitution? Don't you think that number would drop dramatically?

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