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Comment Re:Women in tech.. (Score 1) 1501

No, I think this could be the kind of vulgarity that some people wouldn't want to tolerate. And I obviously don't know all women but I do know some women and the ones I know would have ripped Linus' a new one in a right-back-at-you witty retort as would be the appropriate response to such a comment -- or just not care at all and write it off as a blunt dude just being blunt. And the same can be said for most of the men I know too btw, I don't see anatomy having anything to do with the situation.

Comment Re:What about new talent? (Score 1) 1501

I didn't say you have to be a jerk when rejecting code but the parent seems to have extraordinarily thin skin and a perception that OSS communities are run by a bunch of assholes -- which has been the complete opposite in my experience. So, it might be better for him to ease up on the transition and first get a feel for the project he'd like to contribute before jumping in. And yeah, you can reject code and hurt feelings, you can be the most polite and kind person, but they other party's feelings can still get hurt. I've had completely inexperienced people send me code that had syntax errors in it (wouldn't even get loaded by the interpreter) and who then acted out when I politely told them that I couldn't accept their contribution.

Comment Re:Attaboy (Score 1) 1501

If there was a decline in quality or they needed extra talent I'm sure that they'd probably reassess but that doesn't seem to be the case. Like so many others have said, he only gets rough on people he knows and who should really have known better. And as a project lead myself (tiny team, tiny project compared to the Linux kernel), what about the lead's stress? I've had to deal with users being profoundly (let's be kind) dense and completely unable to focus on the most in-your-face things but I take a few deep breaths and calm down before I reply because they're users, they don't/shouldn't know better, it's not their job and it's their first time using my system. But if a long-time contributor who should really have known better pushed code that broke something, then that dude's gonna have it. And, do keep in mind, we've seen some mild and public outbursts from the guy who is managing this huge freaking project, compared to what goes on in private on similarly sized organizations, I'm willing to bet that Linux will come off as the mild mannered one.

None of this matters though since the Linux kernel is flourishing, there simply isn't a problem to fix.

Comment Re:Attaboy (Score 1) 1501

Well, of course I do, but this has nothing to do with the subject at hand. We're talking about that particular dude, and at most, he decorates his (quite extensive) technical critiques of other's people sloppiness with very colorful epithets (of the harsh type but still). And more importantly, he does that when he communicates with people he's worked with for years and with whom he's got a relationship that can carry that sort of tone. My following remark will invariably offend you, but, having some outsider coming to me and telling me how to talk to someone I've been working with for years (and with whom I've built a level of trust), well, that's the asshole.

Comment Re:What about new talent? (Score 1) 1501

So I should accept (and not comment on) your probably buggy and non-optimized code in my project to not hurt your feelings? You can contribute, just not in areas in which you're not qualified, however you can test and provide feedback (both very important aspects) and hang around to learn the craft and the project and then start sending patches.

Comment Re:Attaboy (Score 2) 1501

You'll always do something to turn off some people, you can't worry about the 1%; and if the way you've been doing things for years has been working well then you don't even have to consider it. It ain't broke -- it's working quite well actually -- so don't fix it. Personally, I'd rather someone pay me the respect of being honest and direct (even, to the point of being considered mean) rather than waste my time being "nice".

Comment This is a non issue. (Score 1) 204

It's just 2 people from the same company who decided they didn't like DEF CON's stance this year and wrote a blog post saying they wouldn't attend. This means nothing. If me and a buddy decide we don't like Coke anymore that doesn't warrant a headline saying "People now giving up on Coke in response to [whatever]".

Comment Re:Some of her words and his (Score 1) 666

No, but "that girl who was attacked and bravely stood up for herself and later overcame that ordeal to [...]" sounds good. And you are mistaken, she wasn't raped, she claimed that the guy attempted to rape her. Either way, both characters sound fishy to me but let's at least stick to the facts -- the only accurate and reliable fact being that she wasn't raped.

Comment Re:Some of her words and his (Score 1) 666

Well, statistics mean nothing to the individual, something is either going to happen to you or it wont. I had no opinion on the situation before but she admittedly wants "to be an icon", which lends some credence to the writings of the guy. One thing's for sure, yet another person (or possible a couple of people) proven to be an asshole. Ain't people grand?

Comment Re:Thou hast angered thy King (Score 2) 260

There is no legitimacy to the death penalty for the very simple reason of abuse or just fair mistake or freak coincidence. The fact that people trust the chain of government, law-enforcement, forensic investigators, prosecutors, witnesses, jury as input for enforcing an irrevocable and terminal punishment such as the death penalty is baffling. There's so much that can (and does, and will continue to) go wrong there that the death penalty is just an overall dumb idea.

If someone tries to seriously harm you then shoot that son of a bitch dead but passing the same authority to a bureaucracy... I don't know what to say to that.

Comment Re:doesn't help people take games seriously either (Score 1) 737

Maybe you are. The fact that you sometimes, or even often, want sex, doesn't make you a "sexually-driven monkey"... not anymore than when I look at a guy and then fantasize about the size of his cock means I'm about to just spazz out, rip off his clothes, and scream "Fuck me now, man-beast!" But I'll fantasize about it.

Ah! Size does matter! I knew it!

Comment Re:So start demanding changes. (Score 2) 101

Nowadays, folks try to do as much as possible in RAM -- by that I mean no patching files or writing to the FS at all. So, keeping track of modifications to any sort of executable file (even indirectly executable, hell, even if it's not executable) will certainly be a handy tool but not as much as you'd think. Also, debsums already does this and I'm sure other package managers support similar functionality. Now, if there's no such utility for your system (even commercial 3rd-party) then you may have chosen/setup the wrong system.

Also, AppArmor-like systems are quite handy too as they allow very fine-grained control for what operations a certain process/executable can perform, thereby allowing you to avoid modifications to the FS via an exploited vulnerability in the first place (and also limit what the exploit's payload will be able to execute once in RAM, no execution privs means no way to execute a shell which makes things much harder).

But even so, privs can be escalated and jails can be broken and vulns can be chained, better get some security education and minimize the chances of writing vulnerable code in the first place, and then carefully fix the inevitable vulnerabilities which you'll surely introduce as soon as you learn about them.

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