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Comment Re:Vote with your feet (Score 1) 351

Web-browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, IRC chat, and HTML editing made simple—all your Internet needs in one application.

Not quite sure that passes his criteria "B" - might be smaller than Firefox, size-wise (not that that's a terribly high bar to clear at this point), but that's 5 full applications of "bloat" as a web browser replacement.

Comment Re:Vote with your feet (Score 1) 351

Unfortunately, Australis in Firefox has creamed Palemoon's extension support (and the whole user agent debacle on Palemoon's side didn't help things, either).

I'm kind of hoping that Firefox extension authors would react to the whole "signing" BS the way a bunch of big Minecraft modders did to the EULA enforcement change and Microsoft buyout. Otherwise, it looks like neither one will be fit for use for much longer.

Comment The old switcheroo! (Score 2) 1032

I could give up what had become my vocation (in my case, being a writer) and take a job that I didn’t want in order to repay the huge debt I had accumulated in college and graduate school.

Oh, gods, the horror! Taking a job you don't want so you can live? The poor, wretched victim!

I thought this guy was yet another "B.A. in basket weaving" millenial from this whinging. Color me gobsmacked: he was born in the fucking 50s.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
