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Comment I live in Virginia - Northern Virginia that is (Score 1) 95

This is not surprising at all. A lot of government agencies do a lot of business with companies all around this region. It says to me that even in the government agencies there are IT people with bosses that get really excited over the idea of the newest hottest tech like "Cloud Services".
They talk to a lot of companies and get them all worked up that their agency will be moving to this new tech very soon.
Companies spend on the new tech with every indication that 4 or 5 people inside of big agencies will be moving that way very soon.
That is about the time the tech people in the agency present their powerpoint presentations on the promise of cloud technology to their upper bosses.
The upper bosses look at giving their data to someone else and they look at wikileaks and they think about the benefits and downsides and keep their data and servers close to their chest.
To all the asshats who wanted government to be run like a business ? They do run things now a lot like a large clueless fumbling business. You were thinking GE and look they work like a business kind of like a Worldcomm or an Enron.

Comment Folks just RTFA before the embolism ! (Score 1) 37

I mean the article says that this thing is a long way off before being ready for medical applications in the field.
So, before we freak out and sit out pacemakers next to the microwave and everything, we should take a deep breath and calm the fuck down.
They realize there are things to work out but for now the headline should state the scientists think it is now feasible and probable.
I think we should all return to make jokes about Raquel Welch and the scientist whose name is Poon.

Comment Shiny sixties sci-fi retro fun (Score 1) 114

We are going to get shiny metallic space suits next.
Robots that flails its arms screaming "Danger Will Robinson Danger !"
This is great stuff we are back to ION propulsion which is kind of cool. Remember the spaceships that sail like Solar wind and stuff?
That would be cool too. Perhaps next we can actually get someone to care and fund this stuff and some of it will end up actually mattering in the long run.

Comment Screw the rankings ! (Score 5, Interesting) 304

Someone wants a good project manager ? Good luck with that man. Either you have too few PMs and too many projects or more PMs than actual engineers. No one I mean absolutely no one at all seems to have a clue about finding a balance in terms of staffing project managers inside of a technology department. Now with that bit of fussing out of the way. What you do is you look at the list sit with your immediate manager. You both logically discuss the insanity of a full sheet of top priority 1 emergency projects and figure out which ones really need to get done and when. Remember who signs off on your yearly review and focus your priorities from what your immediate and his manager above really need for you to get done. You cannot let the bullshit of 50% of your projects being ranked as a high run you into the ground. Focus on what NEEDS to be done and then after that what your boss WANTS to get done and then on what the boss's boss would LIKE to have done.

Comment UK is no different than the rest of the world (Score 5, Insightful) 199

I remember a conversation between my wife a naturalized US citizen and her kin from the UK about security and who cares how much they know as long as you have nothing to hide. It is amazing and sad but a vision into our future. There is a whole series of reports and exposes in the British press a few months ago about how the presence of all the cameras and surveillance tactics have done nothing to make the country any safer. It is basically a giant scam to sell products to the UK government but .... now it is entrenched. Oh well this is how freedom ends right ? With thunderous applause?

When Should I Buy an Android Tablet? 396

jpyeck writes "I've deliberately avoided the smartphone craze, due to the fact I've never utilized any phone (landline or otherwise) enough to justify the monthly fees. But the geek in me craves the 'smart' part of the equation, especially since I got a bonus this year-end that is burning a hole in my pocket. The iPad is out of the question because I need a bit more hack-ability in my gadgets. I am drooling over the Android Honeycomb demo from the CES. I've had my eye on the Galaxy Tab, though it sounds like it won't support Honeycomb. The Xoom looks great, but who knows when it will come out? The consensus seems to be 'wait a few months for Honeycomb.' If you were me, with limited patience, would you buy an Android tablet now? If so, which?"

Kentucky Announces Creationism Theme Park 648

riverat1 writes "On December first, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear announced that a creationism theme park is expected to open in 2014. Park developers are seeking state tourism development incentives and could receive up to $37.5 million over a 10-year period. Gov. Steve Beshear said he does not believe the incentives would violate the principle of church-state separation because the 14-year-old tax incentives law wasn’t approved for the purpose of benefiting the Ark Encounter. The park will have a 500 foot replica of the Ark with live animals on it and a Tower of Babel explaining how races and languages developed. The park will be turned over to Answers in Genesis after it is built. They are a non-profit organization which may allow them to discriminate in hiring on the basis of religion."

Comment One low tech easy way to break this (Score 1) 151

That will work great, until someone cuts the phone and cable lines to your house and your modem goes dead.

When I used to work on security systems we would bring along a shovel for installs. We would bury the phone line and move the phone box inside to the basement. Made it inconvenient for the home owners if they needed changes to their service (they would have to be home to let the phone guy in), but gave them a heck of a lot more security.

For my own place I put up a dummy box with some wires running into it. If they cut the wire it set off the alarm.

Comment Flash forces McAfee on you (Score 4, Informative) 78

The Flash updater annoyed me the last time I ran it. The last update I applied snuck some Mcafee software on to my machine.

The flash updater now has the checkbox checked by default for mcafee security scan plus, and they moved the checkbox so you don't notice it when you are glancing at the installer.


1928 Time Traveler Caught On Film? 685

Many of you have submitted a story about Irish filmmaker George Clarke, who claims to have found a person using a cellphone in the "unused footage" section of the DVD The Circus, a Charlie Chaplin movie filmed in 1928. To me the bigger mystery is how someone who appears to be the offspring of Ram-Man and The Penguin got into a movie in the first place, especially if they were talking to a little metal box on set. Watch the video and decide for yourself.

FBI and NYPD Officers Sent On Museum Field Trip 70

In an attempt to "refresh their sense of inquiry" FBI agents, and NYPD officers are being sent to a course at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Art of Perception hopes to improve an officers' ability to accurately describe what they see during an investigation by studying art. From the article: "Amy Herman, the course leader, said: 'We're getting them off the streets and out of the precincts, and it refreshes their sense of inquiry. They're thinking, "Oh, how am I doing my job," and it forces them to think about how they communicate, and how they see the world around them.' Ms Herman, an art historian, originally developed the course for medical students, but successfully pitched it as a training course to the New York Police Academy."

NASA Parodies Reach New Level of Awkwardness 28

MMBK writes "NASA TV recently produced six movie-trailer parodies about current projects for a 'themed exhibit at an international conference.' But for the most part, the attempt remains pretty corny, far, far away from the imaginative, inspiring work of space artists like Bruce McCall."

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