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Comment Re:Why can mobile apps do this? (Score -1) 67

However, I expect not puch problems with the Chinese government. With the US government I'm not so sure, when I pirate Hollywood movies they might cause problems while the Chinese most likely don't care. It is always safer to have your data in a country that has a bad relationship with your own government.

Comment It's getting crowded (Score 0) 168

In The Netherlands we have a big problem for students to find a room to rent. While Dutch students often (about 50%) keep living with their parents while they study, possible because of the much smaller distances compared to other countries, some international students had to go back or sleep in tents because there were no rooms available.

Dutch students pay way less than international students (€ 2209 this year, the same for all universities and it doesn't depend wether you do an expensive study like medicine or physics or a cheap one like languages).

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