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Comment Re:Bitcoin != Coins (Score 2) 108

You are trying to have a rational discussion with a bitcoin fanboy. It is like talking to a HFT proponent about the benefits of increased liquidity in the market via millisecond trades of already liquid stock.

Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are plenty of people dealing with bitcoin for what it is. A speculate "stock" with limited daily volume. But they don't go round ranting about it much.

Comment Re:In Soviet USA (Score 2) 349

In many countries it is illegal to provide goods and services below cost. The reason is that this was often used by large corporations to create barriers of entry to smaller entities by undercutting production cost just to run them out of business. We still see this happening a lot in some industries.

Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 1) 465

Greenpeace may have started with the boomers. But the new generation with a lot of time on their hands and rather limited experience or for that matter education, on how things really work. I remember feeling all indignant about big industry and "corporations", but i kept reading and soon learnt the reality of the situation. After all I was enjoying a rather nice lifestyle because of of big industry and corporations.

I mean how many greenpeace people with iPhones, or worse driving around protesting all the time on the unemployment benefit (know a few that did that in NZ) do you know.

Comment Re:I guess Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking (Score 1) 417

I once worked in the field. I have published more than him, i have more citations than him. Turns out if you want to be respected in science you need to do more than good PR, many of us don't like this guy, but understand the PR angle, and why you can't really fire him.

I suggest you Google him, and note the lack of contributions.

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