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Comment What else have they gotten wrong? (Score 2) 37

So the they get a few prints of part of the circuits, 9 pages of 150, and they see they made mistakes replicating the original. I wonder how many other mistakes they have made, and what happens if they are finishing and some more drawings surface showing they got stuff wrong? Will they throw it out the wrong and make it as designed or just say "hey good enough, we got most of it right"?

Comment New name, "Washington Nazis" (Score 1) 646

Ok, I am invoking "Godwin's Law", let's move on. I can't believe the Washington Redskins was meant as an insult. Who would do that to their team, but we have gotten deep in to political correct in this country. (Boy it is a good thing we don't have gender modifiers on most of our nouns. There would be a battle.)

Comment School math teacher/school was at risk (Score 1) 798

The way I read the article was the bullying took place in front of a school math teacher. This likely was a form of harassment. Since the math teacher failed to act on this harassment, and the teacher was management's representative here, the school and therefore the school district (and city) was at risk of a harassment charge. They needed to eliminate the evidence. They had the police do this, who I presume were also city employees. I wonder if this rises to racketeering? Let's hope the state does a investigate of this. Looks like they might have avoided a lesser crime charge by making it a larger crime. (Not always a good idea!) (IANAL)

Comment Re:Which shows that people don't understand (Score 1) 846

So, let me ask - historically speaking, what has California's rainfall averaged, since the white man first came on the scene?

The funny thing is, I do a Google search to check that out. I click several links, and none show the information I am looking for. In 1849, what was the rainfall? Nothing. 1850? Nothing. 1851? Still more nothing. Where do I find the historical data?

Now, is there REALLY this remarkable drought, or have we simply been over using the available water for several decades already? There are a number of places where we have millions of people, but the land historically only supported hundreds or thousands. Even with tens of thousands, the weather and the land supplied plenty of water for survival, and some thrown in for waste and recreation. But, MILLIONS? Oh-oh - not enough water to go around.

We have been pumping lakes, rivers, and aquifers dry for decades now. We pump water from wherever we can find it, not caring about where it came from, or whether it will ever be replaced, or how it might be replaced.

Do we really have exceptional droughts today, or are we simply running out of water to waste?

Show me the historical data, please. Does it actually support this climate change theory?

Oh my, you mean you can't Google everything? Some source data hasn't and never will be put on the Net. Sorry about that.

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