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Comment Re:The award is appropriate (Score 1) 146

Except what happens with a cell tower is no secret.

Fracking operators like to keep their chemical cocktails a secret. That alone is problematic enough. Then on top of that you have an Ayn Rand inspired corporate culture supported by idiot lackeys in the wider population that advocate that corporations screw EVERYONE to the best of their ability.

Not a mix that inspires a lot of confidence.

So you are end up with an unknown mix of chemicals capable of doing who knows what if they leak into the environment.

It's time for the Boy Scout governor to actually read a Boy Scout manual. He might want to actually understand the values he claims to champion because he clearly does not.

He must of majored in Western Hypocrisy in college.

Comment Re:Complying with all regulations is no excuse (Score 1) 146

>> About the only thing a person can do is sue.This is why conservatives hate the courts so much.

> What a dumb thing to say.

Not at all. Sleazy ambulance chasers are the last line of defense of civilization when the government chooses to ignore its responsibilities. "Tort law abuses" allow individuals to seek redress for grievances that the government doesn't care to pursue.

What all the flaming Tea Baggers are forgetting here is that this verdict required convincing a TEXAS JURY.

Yes. Chances are that an entire room full of people MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN YOU signed off on this.

Sure. Second guess the people that actually had to sit and listen to all the evidence and arguments.

Comment Re:Um yeah (Score 5, Insightful) 146

It sounds like the oil company permanently deprived them of their home. If it is some large ranch, the total value of the land could be non-trivial. Even the value of a large home in the city can creep up near the 1 Million dollar range.

If that land was providing income then there are direct economic damages that a few million might adequately cover.

That's not even getting into medical bills or permanent harm to several people. All of that could also have lingering economic consequences.

Comment Re: I met Gary (Score 4, Insightful) 99

The cheap solution was the rest of the market beyond Apple and IBM. It wasn't the platform with the IBM trademark associated with it. The PC initially exploited it's association with the original IBM product and then Bill Gates and Microsoft ran with it from there once they already had commanding position in the market due to someone else's trademark.

Microsoft is ultimately the extension of someone else's monopoly.

Comment Re:15" Golf Holes (Score 3, Interesting) 358

You really don't want some random schmuck trying to interpret your MRI scan. The idea that you can be a help desk schlub one day and be responsible for the health of people's spine the next just smacks of utter cluelesssness and contempt for other technical specialities.

Everyone seems to think that what everyone else does is trivial.

No one respects anyone else's education, skill, or experience.

Comment Re:Uh. no (Score 1) 220

So it's local outsourcing. They're still taking away your job so that they can give it to someone that isn't in as good of a bargaining position. It doesn't matter if it's some guy in a 3rd world country, or some guy that's visiting from a 3rd world country who gets to be treated like dirt.

Both "illegals" and H1-B's fall into this sort of 3rd world underclass.

As if we didn't already have enough pockets of 3rd world fester...

Comment Re:Servers are for applications... (Score 0) 294

...so what you're basically saying is to just f*ck all of the applications that ultimately depend on the OS that's the "bedrock" of everything.

You're kind of attitude is why a CAB gets put in place to begin with. ANY change should be done only after consideration to it's impact. Trashing production because you can't be bothered to examine things or let someone else examine things is why these beaurocracies gets created.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

> Yeah, there's even another gun-rights organization

Except the NRA really isn't a "gun rights" organization. It's original charter was to encourage the development of marksmanship skills. Basically, they wanted to make sure that people could effectively use the kinds of weapons one might find in the Army or Marines.

You can't really do that if you can't own a rifle.

That whole "well regulated militia" thing can't happen if people at large aren't ever allowed to practice.

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