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Comment Re:Competition Sucks (Score 2) 507

As opposed to getting hit by john on his way home with the minimum required insurance. That's a whole 10k for property damage and $25k medical in my state. Which has been the same for quite some time. The numbers seem a little outdated to say the least. Anything past a bent bumper and broken arm and you probably have to sue him anyway :(

Something seems a bit shady with them but it probably isn't the insurance issues. Of course the taxi business seems a bit odd on its own when they only allow X number or Y company to wait at the airport. Waiting 20 min for a taxi to show up at the airport was rather retarded.

Rather doubtful any pay all the right taxes to all the right places, try that route.

Comment Call me next time (Score 1) 148

Really. If you want to try that test again. I've never used a GPS. I've barely used a touch screen. My current car radio has awesome buttons that you don't have to look at once you know which set is scan vs step. I've beta tested many complex games and a 50k accounting system while it was live.

I'll tell you real quick just how annoying it is to use :) Just don't make me keep it....

Comment Re:Bravo! (Score 0) 34

I was wondering if it automatically stops the props horizontal, that seemed kinda cool. Impressive demo alright even if it is rather useless. Replace a blimp for promos perhaps?

Around the world a couple hours at a time when the weather is right? Looks like it would take forever. One bad headwind and you're going backward, moderate tailwind and you stop flying?!?

As a bonus it can be used as a kite when there is a breeze :O

Comment Re:Nightmare of Slashdot ads sending me to viruses (Score 1) 240

It did it to me Friday. One of the rotating ads is/was malware. I wasn't even doing anything in browser at the time.

Along that line....

What the hell is this place like with ads turned on now? This says they are OFF and I still get 1-2 moving/sliding ads and a damn pop-over, but polls and other features are turned off as collateral damage !?!?

PS auto-audio ads might chase away many of us surfing at work which is probably a bigger audience than you really want to know :O

Comment Re:Math challenged? (Score 1) 119

Took me a sec to decipher that too. I think the PCU statement is irrelevant and they cut the losses in half. Perhaps the connectors in the PCU cost 5% thus 25% instead of 20%

Overall rather light on actual info and a little heavy on the headline. We don't have a good substitute for 'fuel economy'. "Increases eMPG" I suppose is the most accurate but sounds kinda strained.

Comment Re:Derp (Score 1) 250

Interesting. Don't actually wash my face either, but it kinda gets shampooed by default. Do shampoo every other day or so. I hate soap, feels like it strips too much, I use my shampoo or a bodywash instead. Lately I have been using a good shampoo and conditioner (loooong hair) and then a cheap bodywash from the dollar store that probably has very little cleaner in it ;)

Comment Re:Why I won't own one ... (Score 1) 221

So it wasn't just me being stupid when I couldn't find the EPS when I borrowed a newer TV. Really missed that so I could see what was on when surfing and getting a commercial.

New TV's don't even match the functionality of my convertor box ?!? Damn, If this TV had an adjustment for horizontal size I'd run it forever but scores and stuff end up off the screen :/ TV has always been kinda 'zoomed in' but there is no service code for horizontal I could find only vertical.

Comment Maybe as a curiousity or specialty rental (Score 1) 160

Range probably isn't a real issue as it is offered as a 'trainer'. But a trainer should be paying for itself and this will spend too much time on the charger for that.

But the flight school won't be impressed with 45 min flight and an hour (is that all?) on the ground to recharge. On good days (and this isn't a bad day plane) we turned around the small trainers in minutes for the next student. Unless this is half the price for half the flight time it's just another feel-good product that no one will actually buy.

Now we could have used one of these I suppose, but it would have been 1 of these mixed with several Cessnas and several others. Unique enough to get some use most likely. Any operation with only a couple trainers wouldn't want this as one of them with the limited flight time available. Spending more than half its time on the ground makes a pretty sucky trainer too.

With no info on handling, it may not even be much of a trainer anyway. The Grumman Americans we used were marketed as a 'trainer' also but were not for everyone.

Comment ah-ha ... the big question (Score 1) 249

Had to go back a couple articles to find that the interface is kind of sucky and it is too hard to search more than 300 books.
I suppose there is little point to add more if it makes it harder to actually use.

I did not find the cost yet. Did they manage to pay less than 10 times what it is worth?

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