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Comment Re:Unencrypted passwords (Score 1) 434

Fuck me. I'm going to have to change my Origin password to something completely different now. I have a bad habit of using the same passwords at places because I have a nice secure one and I'm not a robot...I forget things. I might have to start using some sort of...system or something. Ugh. I'm so tired of this shit.

Comment Re:Protesting too much - (Score 1) 803

I get really tired of hearing the "damn dirty hippies" angle too. There was an Iraq vet shot in the god damn face and an 80 year old women pepper sprayed. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and see these people for what they are: regular people. They aren't just hipster college kids, hippies, lazy jobless losers, etc. There are people just like you and me and they are trying to fight for chance that would actually benefit US but people shit on them. Why? Why would you not support a group that is working towards things that would help you? I see an overwhelming ability of people in this country to consistently not support things that would actually benefit them and I simply do not understand.

As I get older (in contrast to what people say), I've actually become more liberal. At this point, I have 0 fucks to give for rich people and how much money they think that they're entitled too. These infamously low taxes we are dealing with now are simply not the way things have ever been done in America. WW2 taxes on the rich were are 90%. NINETY GOD DAMN PERCENT. And you know what? They just dealt with it and paid their dues to society. America was better for it. Also anyone who tells you that rich people work harder than we do can go fuck themselves. I think we all know how rich people got rich and it isn't because they worked harder than us. Most of them start at a higher station, they cheat to the top, and they basically have good luck. To imply that a CEO works harder than the guys loading boxes into trucks at UPS, the person cleaning shit out of the bathrooms, or the guy getting up at 3am to work on a building is obscene. I do not buy it. I simply don't. They aren't rich because they worked harder...they are rich because they are taking advantage of the system.

Comment Re:Fallacious (Score 1) 295

Thank you for typing these arguments out in such a concise, logical, and well written manner that even a person with no scope on this issue could immediately grasp. I've been saying the same thing but the way you've written it here just puts those perfect finishing touches on the argument. I'm partly replying just so I don't lose your post since I imagine I'm going to refer back to this a few times.

Comment Re:Occupying *is* peaceful protest (Score 1) 933

Yeah except by "protect" you probably mean "twist and muddle everything they stood for," right? When the Tea Party first started, it seemed interesting. I was interested. What it has become now is a giant clusterfuck of stupidity. It isn't even a shadow of what it stood for because opportunistic douche bag politicians jumped onto the bandwagon and used it for their own ends.

Comment Re:Great (Score 2) 272

Which is good because those servers have gone down quite a few times. It's to the point that I turned off account validation permanently on my server because I was sick of having to turn it on and off all the time when those servers went down.

But hey, at least we HAVE that option. It's actually quite nice. Not to mention you don't really need any of that to play single. :p

Comment Re:Games like D3 (Score 1) 1880

I use Windows too, but I had to laugh a bit at not having to screw around with drivers etc. I have an ATI card (4870x2 I bought from a friend)...probably 'nuff said right there, but yeah...the drivers are shit. I have to screw around a lot with this thing. YMMV of course, but sometimes it's still a pain in the ass. Linux just has different kinds of problems. Weirder ones. Shit that you wouldn't normally see break...but Windows certainly isn't frustration free. Now I wouldn't even begin to claim that's Microsoft's fault because quite frankly, they've really made some great strides. Vista broke a lot of shit, but it needed to happen. Now we have a more secure system with a better driver model. I love that they finally caught up to Linux like 10 years later and the graphics driver can be reloaded without the system blue screening. My video driver can and has crashed before even with something as simple as playing a Youtube video (granted this is relatively rare and relegated to one bad release here or there), but it's nice the whole damn system doesn't go careening off a cliff when that happens like it used to. The fault mostly lies with ATI writing horribly shitty drivers. They've gotten better than they used to be but they honestly have nothing on nVidia's drivers. I just wish the nVidia cards weren't so damn expensive sometimes. Those middle of the road ATI cards are very attractively priced but after the experience I've had with this card, I'm probably never going to get an ATI card again.

That being said, I actually like to use Windows now with Windows 7. I use as much free software as possible inside (Pidgin, Libre Office, Firefox, and basically anything I can get on PortableApps.com) so I'm doing fairly well there but the system itself is finally just...nice. I don't feel like I'm fighting with it. I did try and use a free alternative to UltraMon (zbar...I have 2 monitors) but that app is kind of a piece of shit. It has a little ways to go...too much bugginess. I go back to Linux now and sort of don't care anymore...especially with how much gaming I do...there's no point to even boot into Linux at this point except to dick around.

I would love to see Linux get some serious prospects at gaming but there are too many distros. I can guarantee if gaming does become serious, it's going to be locked into ONE distro in which case, what's the fucking point? I don't like Ubuntu that much and you KNOW they'd be the target. I dunno...maybe we'd get lucky and they'd define some sort of gaming subset for the various distros. Doesn't matter much though since no one gives a shit yet. I can only hope Steam will one day come to Linux and they'll finally do some serious work on graphics drivers. Performance is terrible and so is the power control stuff. Oh and X. Basically, fuck you if you aren't using the open source ATI driver apparently because you're going to LOVE configuring the damn thing by hand in your xorg conf. Awesome. That's what people want to do. I can't believe in 2011 I still have to open the config file up just because it's a binary driver. Why the hell can't it detect the shit for me like it did when I was using the OSS driver? x_x

Comment Re:"UI designers" just can't design UIs. (Score 1) 1040

Yeah, I've seen the kind of shit programmers have made for interfaces. I think people have a knee jerk reaction to anything considered "artsy" or whatever here. I've seen enough terrible...terrible UI designs to know that just being a software engineer in NO way means you know how to design a good UI. I used a program my friend wrote and it honestly took every bit of intelligence I possess to figure out how the fuck anything got done. It was a good program but the interface was just...godawful. What we're seeing here with some of these things are just bad decisions by some people...not the proliferation of UI designers.

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