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Comment Re:Hmmmm ... legality? (Score 1) 138

You can already do that. Amazon even has a policy of holding processing of credit card transactions for a short window (usually 30 minutes) so that people can cancel mistake orders before the charge occurs.

Even after that, until a product has physically been shipped, both the seller and the buyer can cancel an order. Depending on the reason there may be penalties (a ding to the performance rating for the seller, for example). Buyers generally are never penalized for anything, particularly on Amazon.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 720

Still not true.
eVGA OC'ed 760 (500W):
MSI OC'ed 760 (500W):

Overclocked models aren't OC'ed *that* much. For the OC versions, you're talking about bumping TDP from 175W to 200W-ish. That's still a 500W PSU range. To see 600W recommended PSUs, you need a card with a TDP that tops 250W, and none of the 760's I've seen will hit that number in their factory state.

Comment Re:And... (Score 1) 720

Nonsense. You can't be a gamer AND dislike noisy fans? I'm a gamer, and I'd be annoyed if an SO dropped a noisy box next to mine. I built a quiet gaming rig for a reason.

Especially if, as he mentioned in the original post, he uses the machine as a media server. Noisy fans are a shitty backdrop when watching movies or listening to music.

Comment Re:I want slower for cheaper (Score 2) 88

I'm in the same boat. I'm paying $60/mo for what is typically 11-12mbs. I've never found a need to have anything more than that. Sufficient to download games in 1-2 hours, stream Netflix, and do my job (typically involving VPN and a few RDP sessions). I guess going up to 100mbs or gig would be worth it if there were 5 people in the house all trying to stream video and play games at once.

I'd rather see the low end packages get cheaper than get higher speeds that I have no use for.

Comment Re:Mod parent up. (Score 1) 549

There is, sort of. Each port is largely separate but provides binary compatibility with the database, but there can be issues. For example, the Droid version doesn't work properly with v2.0 KeePass databases (nor does the QT port at this point), only the older 1.x branch. You can get things to play nicely together if you are careful about which ports and which database versions you opt to use, but it isn't hard to get yourself in a situation where you have a nice database that can't be accessed on some new device.

Comment Re:Mod parent up. (Score 5, Insightful) 549

Not having the manager available is a big problem. I redid all my passwords after the Heartbleed issue, and pretty much maxed out the password for each of my important accounts. Was great on my PCs where I had KeePassX, but the first time I had to enter a 24-character randomly generated password with special characters on my cellphone to log in, I realized why it will never work for the average person. Big, long complex passwords are great until you have to type them in on a tiny ass keyboard.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 2) 265

Same here. I see maybe one legit piece of spam a week in my Gmail inbox. Now if they can just figure out how to predict if an email is unwanted marketing from and block that, I'd be even happier. Sick of having to manually unsub.

I have email accounts with about 10 different domains. Some are related to work and use various filtering tools, some are with free services. Between all my accounts I see maybe half a dozen spams a week. From an end-user perspective, spam for me died out years ago. I'm always amazed to hear about people who are still inundated with it.

Comment Re:Free the bastards! (Score 1) 152

Do we? I mean, food is just out there in the wilderness waiting for us to pick it. It's right there...what's the problem? Yet for all our intelligence, people consistently fail to survive when stranded alone in the wilderness, even though there's food all around them.

Orcas are basically oceanic wolves: they live, move and hunt in packs, whether it is tail slapping to get seals or corralling fish. Orcas hardly ever survive alone, even those that are raised in a group. Luna is one of the few from recent memory. The reality is still that most of these captive orcas wouldn't be able to make it alone in the wild. A small number would, but most wouldn't.

Comment Re:Free the bastards! (Score 1) 152

Depends on how long they have been captive. Orcas have complex group dynamics, both socially and for hunting, so an orca that was never taught those skills as a youngster would be incapable of joining a group and surviving. About 2/3 of orcas currently in parks weren't even born in the wild, which means they never learned how to hunt and survive in a group.

Raise someone in a jail cell from birth, then at 30 drop them into the world all alone with nothing. What are the odds that they would survive? There's a big difference between innate intelligence and life skills.

Sad as it is, most captive orcas wouldn't survive long in the wild.

Comment Re:it solves some unicode issues (Score 1) 774

I can't help but believe that anything in systemd has involvement from Lennart in the same way that Linus controls the kernel. By virtue of being in his overarching project, his influence will corrupt the product, regardless of who actually writes the code.

I hope I'm wrong, for the sake of everyone who will be stuck fixing the bugs a year from now, but I have a sinking feeling that's exactly how things will transpire.

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