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Comment Re:Hookay... damage control? Paid by MS? (Score 1) 864

The folder system does have that irritating habit, luckily XdNTweaker is capable of forcing all folders to use the exact same view. At least it claims to, I've not used that feature since I like thumbnails for some folders (so I've had to deal with unexpected resizing/reordering and different views).

Comment Re:The list (Score 1) 385

I think it's worth mentioning the required yearly re-registration (to receive a year-long license key by E-mail) of avast! Home Edition. This is probably not that annoying to the average Slashdot reader, but this might be a problem if you install it on Grandma's computer.

I'm not sure I'd be leaving Grandma's computer without a checkup for over a year, even with precautions taken there's always a chance something bad will slip through the cracks. It's an excuse to visit too ;)

Comment Re:The ones I've played (Score 1) 78

It could just be that you're no longer a part of their target audience, tastes change over time. I couldn't bring myself to play FFX past one of the earlier underwater sections (I think it was just after meeting a female sidekick) for much the same reasons that you abandoned FFXII; it was a drag. Completely uninteresting to me, yet others (like you) rave about how fantastic it is. When it was FFIX, I was the one raving about how fantastic it was and other Final Fantasy fans were saying it was terrible. I guess my point is that it is possible that you just left Square's target audience and it isn't their fault; the games have always held a similar quality that appeal to a demographic you just left.

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