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Comment Re:If the power comes back on (Score 1) 403

Rust only happens in the presence of oxygen. and I have seen sealed systems that are flooded with noble gasses that will absolutely stay in like new condition for 10,000 years unless the polymer seal fails massively. oxygen intrusion would be so slow that they would probably still be OK 5000 years after a seal failed.

Comment Re:Masculinity or Stupidity? (Score 1) 950

Women who are just dying to latch onto someone and get that monthly payment going. I am not much too look at externally, so when a 34 year old chic wants me to date her someone is wrong.

I'm a few years younger and I have found that now that I have a good career, good income and secure finances, I get a lot more attention from the female of our species.

I'm not married but I am in a relationship with the mother of my children. She was with me when I was working my way through college and living in my grandfather's spare bedroom so I know that she's here for me and not what I have.

I'd be extremely cautious about who I'd date if I were on the scene again.


Comment As a lawyer . . . (Score 1) 353

I am a lawyer, but this is not legal advice. If you want legal advice from me, pay my retainer. If you get your legal advice from slashdot, you deserver whatever happens . . .

Anyway, I've read much of the below. If you are in this situation, and it's not worth paying a lawyer who practices in this area, what you're doing isn't that important.

I don't work in IP at the moment, but there is enough misinformation below to keep several lawyers busy.

There is a reason for hiring a professional programmer instead of doing it yourself. Similarly, there is a reason to hire an actual lawyer rather than misinformation of the internet . . .

hawk, esq.

Comment Decisions have consequences. (Score 1) 950

There are certain feminizing elements in our society who are trying to pathologize maleness.

Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with psychological issues and medicated for doing the kinds of things that little boys just do.

We have things like California's "yes means yes" law that criminalizes what's considered normal sexuality in the rest of the country.

Some guys are just checking out "Fuck this! I'll be over here with my video games and these porn chicks who won't make me just through a bunch of stupid hoops". They never planned to have children anyway so what's the point?


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