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Comment Re:And? (Score 4, Informative) 100

No, the PD books on Amazon are free. However, there have been an ever increasing amount of duplicates submitted by 3rd parties that have a price tag. They are just trying to remove the duplicates that have the price tag to provide a better user experience.

Please see Pride and Prejudice kindle store search. The first PD copy that comes up is free, the rest charge. That is not a good user experience as the free one is just as good as the rest (or should be).

I completely agree with this policy, as it makes it easier for me, a user, to determine what book I should get. I don't think they should limit the different editions of books, but seriously, how many public domain books have multiple editions, like super deluxe edition with forward by Abraham Lincoln himself. Not many.

Comment Re: Not quite correct (Score 1) 835

Georgia Tech fully supports Linux, from ssh/scp, wan, san, and printing, to full desktops and software. Linux student software distribution. In addition, it even provides full linux OS's (just rhel). Everything you stated above is at Tech also.

I never had a single issue running Linux (gentoo) my entire time there, and there was a pretty decent LUG there too. In fact, even my freshman English courses made us use Linux for some tasks.

Comment More bad news from Quinn... Visitation Rights! (Score 1) 587

Another bill, signed on a busy day where Quinn dealt with dozens of bills, deals with child visitation rights. As of Jan. 1, the law will provide for visitation rights through electronic communication such as telephone, e-mail and instant messaging.

First Quinn doesn't let sex offenders use social networking. Next, he allows visitation rights via phone, email, and IM. What's next, marriage or divorce via facebook, email, or IM?

But seriously, visitation rights via telephone, email, and IM (and I'm guessing social networking sites too)? How does that actually constitute as one visiting another being, without physical presence. I'm all for visitation rights via phone, email, IM, etc, as long as they aren't restricting the physical visitation rights.


Submission + - Judge orders Microsoft to stop selling Word 1

fractalVisionz writes: A judge on Tuesday ordered Microsoft to stop selling Word, one of its premier products, in its current form due to patent infringement.

Judge Leonard Davis of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a permanent injunction that "prohibits Microsoft from selling or importing to the United States any Microsoft Word products that have the capability of opening .XML, .DOCX or DOCM files (XML files) containing custom XML," according to a statement released by attorneys for the plantiff, i4i.

Comment IEEE Teachers In Service Program (Score 1) 364

I have recently put on a IEEE Teachers In Service Program (TISP), where engineering students, usually grad and undergrad, go to local elementary through high school class rooms to inform teachers about lesson plans, such as ones you are asking for.

The best news for you is that it is almost fully subsidized!

Here are the some of the lesson plans. I would greatly recommend you look into the program, as I really enjoyed being able to bring teachers new material that got their classes excited about engineering and science.

Comment Price (Score 1) 145

Unfortunately this new device lacks wireless capabilities

Does this mean it lacks wifi too?

At this price, $299 US, it will only be $60 less than the Kindle2, without wireless capabilities. That seems like a pretty bad deal in my opinion. Sorry, not a kindle killer in my opinion.

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