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Comment Price (Score 1) 145

Unfortunately this new device lacks wireless capabilities

Does this mean it lacks wifi too?

At this price, $299 US, it will only be $60 less than the Kindle2, without wireless capabilities. That seems like a pretty bad deal in my opinion. Sorry, not a kindle killer in my opinion.

Comment Re:Support Amazon (Score 2, Insightful) 195

I would almost never buy an unpacked product because I would be afraid it would interfere with my warranty, and because otherwise there is literally no way to tell who fucked up a product; the manufacturer, or the unpacker.

The products come from the manufacturer in a less packed box--meaning less twistys, blister packing, plastic bags, etc. There is no unpacker involved anywhere in the scheme. The box is also optimized to be shipped individually more so than the standard box, and will actually provide better protection for the customer.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 2, Interesting) 791

Though funny, at the same time this plagues Microsoft's end users,in the form of what does each package actually get, it is used as a great power for Linux, in the form of different niche distributions which have (mostly) defined markets.

We all know some distros for Linux starters, and we all know some for business, and some for the ultimate geek card score. Because these options are provided not as a single product, but as a variety of distributions and even sub-distributions, each product can gain their own community, and in turn, provide better uptake of Linux.

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