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Comment Re:Where are the buggy whip dealers? (Score 4, Insightful) 544

His sample size isn't necessary too small - I've seen plenty of papers with statistical significance at 12 to 20 participants. No, his problem is more likely self-selection bias. That is, people who are frustrated with the lack of slide-out phones may be much more likely to respond to the survey.

Comment Re:High unemplyment and we suddenly need more robo (Score 1) 157

This is known as the 'broken window fallacy'. It says that if I go around breaking windows, jobs to fix windows will be created, and the economy will benefit. But really, what's happened is that we're living less efficiently. Houses with windows become more expensive, since the windows must be continually replaced. We waste effort fixing them that could have been spent on something with benefit.

The same is true when you make a factory less efficient. On the extreme side, we could require all workers to have one hand tied behind their backs, tripling the number of jobs created per factory. But the money those workers earned would be worth a lot less, since all goods would be much more expensive.

To put it as simply as I can, which society has more poverty: the one where they keep all of their harvests and GDP output, or the one where they incinerate two thirds of it? Because destroying two-thirds of it is equivalent to working at 1/3 efficiency.

Comment Our Experience (Score 4, Informative) 269

My girlfriend got a Windows 8 netbook, since that's all they had in the store. She hates it. The default metro apps take a long time to load and feel sluggish, even though they're meant for tablets. She also complains that they're poorly thought-out, and it's hard to figure out simple functionality. IE, how do you move the to the next picture when looking at pictures in a folder. Also, she's getting tired of everything wanting to go full screen.

Comment Re:Not Thankful (Score 1) 197

Some people hate it with a frightening absence of passion. They drink tea out of delicate porcelain cups, while stroking a white cat. Their bluish lips tighten briefly, and there is a hint of tightness in their eyes as they steeple their fingers and regard the offending desktop with disdain.

Or so I imagine. I've never tried Gnome 3. I hear it sucks.

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