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Comment Re:KDE is great (Score 1) 302

I really like KDE and I believe that it needs to be supported better by distributions. Kubuntu is a mess.

I've been running KDE on Arch Linux since 4.1, and it's been great.

Comment Re:Shame the ground game sucks. (Score 1) 62

Glad you're enjoying it.

I found PvE space combat to be ridiculously boring. Fly forward, hold D to start circling my target, and let phaser turrets and photo torpedoes auto-fire until it's dead. Select next target. Hold A this time so the enemy wears down a different shield facing. Repeat. Occasionally press F to scan something. PvP combat at least had enough "oh crap I'm being primaried aaaaaaand I'm dead" excitement to keep me somewhat interested.

Ground combat wasn't any better: walk forward, fire a few times, if something comes into melee range, punch it. Repeat. Occasionally press F to scan something.

I'm sorry, but weekly installments of more of the same just isn't going to get me to resubscribe.

Comment Re:Wonder why? (Score 1) 167

Mandrake was also my first distribution, and it's the whole reason I started looking for Linux distributions that had good documentation and stuck to standard naming conventions. I spent upwards of 2-3 weekends trying to figure out why I couldn't configure my sound card on the command line... only to find out that Mandrake devs had removed "alsaconfig" in favor of GUI-only "draksound", so all the tutorials I had read were for naught. I switched to Fedora, openSUSE, then eventually Gentoo, and now I'm happily using Arch Linux.

Comment Re:Simple answer: No. (Score 1) 462

You open Control Panel and you are asked to choose between "Heffalumps, Woozels, or Orange Juice", and not knowing what is what but wanting to find something to do with Network Settings you click 'Orange Juice' only to be presented with more meaningless text like "I see you would like some Orange Juice, would you prefer Toothpaste, Cheques, or Mints with your Orange Juice" and the right answer for Network Settings is that you want Mints with your Orange Juice.

You, sir, owe me a new keyboard. I spewed my morning Network Settings all over it.

Comment Re:Not that I mind longer games but... (Score 1) 462

But please, let me play it in 120 30 minute increments and feel good about it

This is the reason I'm enjoying Final Fantasy XIII. Most of my friends are complaining about the lack of open-world exploration, lack of battle micromanaging and the enormous amount of cutscenes, but the fact that I can feel a sense of accomplishment while waiting for the girlfriend to get ready to go out is great. I can unlock a new ability or two on my characters during a quick 20 minute session and on top of that I get to advance the plot with another 45 second cutscene.

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