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Linux Business

Submission + - May a Linux Professional be Certified?

Paolo DF writes: It often happens that employers ask for certification of your skills. Be it a Diploma, or a Master, or some other Graduation level. In order to demonstrate how good they know a CAD program, professionals are often asked to provide an Autodesk Certificate, or a Microsoft Training Certificate to show how good they are at using Windows (yeah, really!).
My question is:
Is there somebody certifying Linux Users/Power Users/Sysops/whatever?
Is there a somehow standard certification system?
Is there a widely accepted/recognized skills scale?

Submission + - Cory Doctorow On Dumb Web Companies

An anonymous reader writes: In Boing Boing editor Cory Doctorow's latest column, The Web Can Humiliate Dumb Companies. Can It Make Them Smarter?, he argues that dysfunctional companies know only two modes of customer service: Abusive contempt, or pandering remorse (paging Dell?) Using problems with a Sony Hard Drive under extended warranty, he says, okay, customer service catastrophes are par for the course in big institutions, but, Jeez, can't supposed Web 2.0 companies just learn to get along with their customers? What are your customer-service catastrophes, and do you think that we're forever destinged to be stuck with bad overseas phone support?

What's It Like For a Developer To Go Into Sales? 85

An anonymous reader asks: "I've worked for a single, very large technology company since graduating from college in '89. My degree is in Computer Science, and I've written everything from embedded machine code for big iron to applications with Smalltalk. I'm still in development, but since '99 my programming tasks have been replaced by project management, some customer-facing work (technical-ish presentations, demonstrations, training, and the like), helping our marketing people position my team's work, and other things that programmers generally don't like to do. Are you a former developer who went into sales? If so, what were your experiences like from a professional and personal perspective? What advice would you give to a developer considering a new career in sales?"
The Internet

Law Student Web Forum: Free Speech Gone too Far? 264

The Xoxo Reader writes "Today's Washington Post carries a front-page article on the internet message board AutoAdmit (a.k.a. Xoxohth), which proclaims itself the "most prestigious law school discussion board in the world." The message board has recently come under fire for emphasizing a free speech policy that allows its users to discuss, criticize, and attack other law students and lawyers by name. Is this an example of free speech and anonymity gone too far, or is internet trolling just a necessary side effect of a policy that otherwise promotes insightful discussion of the legal community?"

Submission + - First University in Europe to Adopt Gmail

Adam Hazzlebank writes: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland's highest ranked university is to adopt Gmail for all its student email services. After a US University recently reported the migration of its email services to Windows Live Mail should we be concerned by the privacy implications of this trend and universities selling student ad impression, in return for a service they are obliged to provide?
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - The Stanford Unix Raper

An anonymous reader writes: A student of Stanford U. geeks out to the extream. In a live concert he gives Wierd al A run for his money in the geeky songs department. The video was part of the documentary, NERDCORE FOR LIFE. The video can be found at Youtube

Submission + - Insect murder scenes may help solve human murders

Matthew Sparkes writes: "A German photographer has found a way of getting the bugs killed by his car into a scanning electron microscope, revealing the wreckage of their tiny bodies in incredible detail. He found his driving speed was critical — between 70 and 90 km/h (42 and 54 mph) was perfect. Below that and nothing died, above it and all that was left was amorphous splatter. The work may be of use in criminal forensics, as bugs have provided useful evidence of a criminal's location in the past. But you're more likely to see the images again in an upcoming advertising campaign."
Media (Apple)

Submission + - Death to PowerPC Movie

Sylvester Halasz writes: "Death to PowerPC the Movie

Video: Remembering the PowerPC good times

http://www.pcpro.co.uk/macuser/news/106795/video-r emembering-the-powerpc-good-times.html

Thank You very much i hope you like it enough to post it on your site or somewhere on the net
that would be very very much appriciated.

Once again Thank You

direct youtube link is: http://youtube.com/watch?v=TVQrTTJyXuQ"

Submission + - Bill Gates Offers U.S. Border Firewall

Scott Ott writes: "by Scott Ott (2007-03-08) — Microsoft founder Bill Gates, alarmed that immigration curbs sparked by terrorism threats limit access to talented tech workers from overseas, today said his firm will work with the U.S. government to install "a virtual firewall at the borders that would let the good geeks in and keep the malicious geeks out."
READ THE REST AT http://www.scrappleface.com/?p=2509"
United States

Submission + - China: U.S. violated Iraqis' rights

firedragon852 writes: China's Xinhua News Agency has published a report in response to the U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2006. As in previous years, the State Department pointed the finger at human rights conditions in more than 190 countries and regions, including China, but avoided touching on the human rights situation in the United States. To help the world people have a better understanding of the situation in the United States and promote the international cause of human rights, we hereby publish the Human Rights Record of the United States in 2006.

China Puts Hold on Net Cafe Construction This Year 26

With government concerns about online gaming growing steadily in China, Beijing has put in place a ban on the opening of new internet cafes for the rest of the year. GigaGamez reports on the country's move, which is largely seen as a response to some high-profile deaths from unhealthily dedicated gamers. From the article: "Honestly [this] shouldn't be that big of a deal if you consider that the Chinese government has already estimated that 113,000 Internet cafes already exist. Add this to the already bizarre limitation of World of Warcraft play time and you have some very unhappy gamers." Update: 03/08 14:52 GMT by Z : GamePolitics has the word that virtual currencies are also to be restricted, in an effort to ensure that the yuan is kept secure.

Feed Hack That Urban Forest (wired.com)

The Urban Forest Mapping Project, an open-source database that maps every public tree in San Francisco, goes online. Squirrels are worried, but the project's engineers hope their code spreads. By Rachel Swaby.

Feed The Problem With Copycat Cops (wired.com)

When a pair of convenience store robbers use hot coffee as a weapon, a dozen other crooks steal their idea. But terrorists are not nearly that predictable. Commentary by Bruce Schneier.

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