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Comment Re: Of course... (Score 4, Insightful) 419

While I agree that "FOSSies" can be detrimental to some proposed feature additions, I disagree with your general sentiment that they are detrimental to all progress.

If you take the opposite point, that anything should be added if it adds to the user experience, you'll end with a distro that is Windows. Fully binary, almost impossible to support or troubleshoot, but it has SOO MANY shiny things, also binary-only.

The FOSSies may be extreme, but they built and maintained the sandbox up from nothing. While you think you have grand plans for that sandbox, you MUST respect those who set the original rules, or you will not be welcomed in their sandbox.

For a real world example, I run Debian on my laptop. In it's purest post-install form, it is lacking quite a few things, a very few I consider essentials (needs binary blobs to make the Intel WLAN go), and some others that I very much like but could live without (Chrome with all the Google services instead of Chromium). I even installed a few things that would make the Debian purists cry (Steam, which is binary-only, and on my desktop, the binary-only Nvidia driver).

What's the point? With a few minor tweaks, I can add any binary-only shinies that I'd like. Debian doesn't stop me. It just doesn't offer them out of the box, which seems to be your preference. The difference between us? I accept a little adjustment and tinkering to make everything Just So, and acknowledge the POV and desires of the DFSG or FOSS purists, even where I disagree or don't feel as strongly, while you mock and deride them and seem to expect the distros to package things YOUR WAY and support YOUR vision.

If you don't understand why the GPL is important, you're still free to use and abuse Linux. Just don't expect anyone who DOES understand it's importance to care about your POV.

Comment Re:Glad (Score 1) 184

If you weren't alive (and therefore most likely not paying the license) when it first aired, then you weren't paying for it then, and have no rights to watching it now, unless you'd like to purchase a retroactive license. I'm sure the beeb would be happy to come around and collect 20+ years of back dues from you, adjusted for inflation.

Comment Re:Who cares about? (Score 4, Interesting) 262

You know, I keep hearing this, but MS's vision for tablet computing was very, very different. I actually owned several examples of MS's tablet PCs, and then owned a first gen iPad. I now have a Nexus 10, in case anyone wondered.

The Tablet PC (TPC) was big, heavy, had horrible battery life, and almost always was a convertible laptop as well. They pictured the laptop becoming a portrait orientated clipboard lookalike, with the full processing power, heat, noise, etc of the laptops of the day.

Apple launched the iPad and it was thinner, lighter, cooler-running and longer-lasting than any major laptop of the time. Laptops were just starting to hit the 5 pound mark and still be usable, iPad was around 1 pound. laptops were still pushing 15-16" displays very hard, the iPad was right around 9 inches diagonal. Laptops were generally between 1 and 2 hours run time, the iPad did anywhere from 8 hours on up, depending on how you had power management set up.

Sure, the broadest strokes of your statement are true. Microsoft announced tablet PCs years before Apple and everyone yawned. However, it wasn't (only) because it was from Microsoft. It was because the idea was premature, and the MS version we were sold sucked rather hard.

Comment Re:Cool ad though... (Score 1) 53

I have no counterpoint or argument to most of your post. I just wanted to mention that the Nexus 7 (2013 version) and Nexus 10 both make fantastic ereaders, if you don't mind a backlit device.

If you prefer non-backlit, my daughter has the Kindle Paperwhite and I put all the books on there for her. It doesn't accept ePub, true, but Calibre is your friend and can convert everything to AZW or mobi and then copy it to your Kindle for you.


Comment Simple solution (Score 1, Funny) 245

Ok, so Switzerland, who is entirely familiar with the concept of mercenaries, is invaded by France?

The solution lies directly North of Switzerland. Calculate expected damages due to invasion, offer half that amount to the Germans, and watch France surrender.

Hell, if you play your cards right, maybe Germany will cede some of France's territory to you after a few hours, when the French surrender!

(This is for comedic value and is not a serious statement regarding Germany, France, or Switzerland.)

Comment Re:Unless your engine already supports OpenGL (Score 1) 182

So the minor data point that Linux Steam only allows you to download/install/run games that have native ports means nothing....

I run Linux most of the time. I run Steam most of the time. I have two Steam installs, one native and one under Wine, simply so I can play most of my games.

Hear that GabeN? This should be your next item! An unsupported checkbox somewhere that lets me download and try to run games not yet supported under my OS. If you could tie into my wineconfigs and run unsupported-but-preconfigured, that would be even better, thanks!

Comment Re:FIAF. (Score 3, Informative) 212

Gut bacteria feed themselves, not you.

More efficient or effective gut bacteria eat your lunch before you can.

While in our overfed society, having hyperactive gut bacteria keeping you thin would be good, fatties would be laughing in a major disaster, since they'd get to enjoy more of that roadkill dinner they scavenged, and they'd have longer reserves for the initial disaster and the ensuing survival training course.

Now if we could just toggle between two sets of bacteria, we'd have a pretty ideal setup!

Comment Re:Cool Shot (Score 2) 189

The article (past page 1) is NOT about Cool Shot. Cool Shot is addressed on page 1, page 2 is primarily about Ghost Heat, and page 3 is about Third Person View and the many, many, many reversals of previous commitments that PGI has now made.

If you want to make a widely-popular shooter set in the MW universe, that's FINE. Really, it is. It's been done dozens of times.

But if you want to make something special, something sim-like and first person, and leave out the pay to win elements, then you need to DO that, and NOT backtrack or change your mind when the funds get low!

You die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian. PGI lived too long, they outlasted their own ideals.

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