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Comment Re:They are abusing moderation for a long time now (Score 1) 556

No, moderating is designed to make a post "more visible" to the casual reader. If person X mods a post "insightful" or some other positive mod, it rises to the surface (so to speak). Person Y meta-modding the original moderation "unfair" doesn't erase the original positive moderation and doesn't cause the original post to drop back down, in terms of visibility (as far as I know). I believe it just effects the original moderators odds of getting more mod points.

I used to meta-mod most days but now I only do so infrequently. I don't think I need to be "voting up or down" some casual comment or joke. The whole thing is exacerbated by the fact that most posters don't bother quoting what they're responding to, so there's no context to judge the post against.

Oh, well. It's not my website and I guess the power that be will run it how they see fit. I'm still here so must not be too aggravated by it all.

Comment Terror. (Score 1) 447

The ghost of old fear of going back into the midst of those unpleasant little people. School had almost as little t6o do with learning than jobs have had with getting useful work accomplished.

Comment Re:They are abusing moderation for a long time now (Score 5, Informative) 556

>That is exactly why we must meta moderate like crazy these days

Except that Metamoderation these days doesn't present you with already-moderated posts. At least, not for me. All I get is a selection of 10 random posts and I have to decide if you, the average Slashdotter, would benefit. Nearly every post I'm given to "meta-moderate" us not previously moderated.

Now, someone mod me down.

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