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Comment Re:Windows (Score 1) 611

The same can be said for Win8. Once you know all of the tricks and only use the tile screen as a "full-screen start menu with updating icons" and just start typing when it's up to find stuff, it's really not bad.

The Win8.1 tweaks more or less "fix" all of those issues for the complainers, but I've been happy with it since it was just Win8.

Comment Re:environmental benefits (Score 1) 339

This was my thought. I can say that I rarely re-watch a DVD.....but also buy fewer these days. I rent from Redbox for new releases. That one DVD is probably viewed on the order of 10 times in the first two weeks of release. Probably 25 times over the shelf-life of the movie. Is that enough to justify it?

Comment Re:LibreOffice (Score 1) 285

This is my biggest gripe with open source. You *SHOULD* be concerned whether the format changes or not. All of these different versions of similar products fracture the landscape which hampers the adoption. Just like there are too many Linux distros for Linux to ever win, too many Office products will keep adoption numbers lower than they could be.

Comment Re:What now? 1 billion! (Score 1) 285

While I don't condone it, people in the Finance/Accounting departments have made complete applications in Excel. Then, they throw it over the wall to I/T and say "turn this into a web app for us -- it should take, what, two or three days?"

But again, I've seen plenty of complex spreadsheets that use way more functionality than I as a developer would ever use.

Comment Re:Why is Raymond's claim theoretically sound? (Score 1) 582

And a million monkeys will eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare

Open source is no more (or less) perfect that closed source at a fundamental level. Bugs are introduced in both. The difference is that once found, open source has more eyes looking to try to fix it.

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