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Comment Re:Real people just don't like dealing with Hipste (Score 1) 371

you posted>> No, businesspeople will not take a Hipster seriously when this Hipster emails thousands or tens of thousands of other employees, and accidentally includes some customers, begging them to support her social justice cause fight of the day. Businesspeople have real work to get done while at work, rather than wasting time supporting some sort of social deviancy.

I don't know if this is a Southern thing, but I as a programmer have been inundated with idiots trying to push religion on me. Some God damn idiot tries to talk religion with me as if he were to make a difference in my understanding. Sometimes I reply with a remark like, "Religion is the opium of the masses", "Jesus Christ was a Political Criminal" or "Religion is a brainwashing of children and a form of unbanned child abuse." which just infuriates the idiots. People with an IQ in the single digit seems to think that they hold the truth.
The other ones are the right wingers who feel the need to spread the latest thought inspired by Rush Limbahl. As business people, they adapted their political belief which helped them get promoted.

Comment Re:GWB school of Economics (Score 1) 409

After 9/11, the total cost of liability was capped significantly lower than before. Just another example of how the poor subsidize the rich in a fair capitalistic system. Congratulations after 2000 years of economic progress and intellect, we have a society with the worst of capitalism and the worst of communism. I don't think even Karl Marx thought of that one. Actually, there is a name for this system, "Feudalism." The king and nobles are always right and judged in a court of their peers. The commoners are judged by the noblemen.

Comment I'll gladly pay you for 2 hamburgers tomorrow for (Score 1) 162

I'll gladly pay you for 2 hamburgers tomorrow for one hamburger today. -Wimpy on Popeye 1970.
Unfortunately for me, I was offered this sort of deal by my boss. However, my boss fired me when I came around to collect. This sort of culture exists on Wall Street. Lots of people dangle carrots in front of you, but when it comes time to collect, all promises are forgotten. I remember a friend who worked for Shersom-Lerhman Brothers in the 1989. Her boss got a big bonus for his previous years "work", and she was shorted her salary on the last two weeks on the job just before bankruptcy.

Comment specialization (Score 1) 608

I had a back flow device inspected. This stupid thing requires a $500 tester and $200 annual calibrations and additional certifications. While as I agree that these things are needed to prevent contaminating the water supply, I think paying some Joe $75 for 5 min of work is way too much. I would be willing to have the city send someone out to do it. I am sure that the economy of scale is such that if we could have someone do this for $5, but then, the local city council has family who depends on my over priced fees.

Comment $120,000 for petroleum-engineering (Score 1) 148

I wonder if the $120,000 for petroleum-engineering is not due more to the fact that the jobs tend to be located in harsh climates and remote locations. Yes, the waitresses working in a North Dakota boom town might not be pulling in big bucks, but might in fact be a guy as few women feel safe in these towns. I hear that these rough neck natural gas sites tend to be lawless and full of hidden surprises & toxic spills and fire hazards. I don't know if you will find the girl you want to marry there, if you are interested. Your wife might worry about getting raped going out for groceries. Housing is made up of used FEMA trailers and living amongst people who will rob you at night. The locals know that you have a petroleum degree, so they will charge you more for services.
Petroleum-engineering work tends to be in the Middle east. I have a friend who worked in Abi Dhabi, who said that his wife could not stand to live there, despite the affluence. Maybe the Middle Eastern women learned to put up with outright sexist shit, but she could not. The cops were there to shake you down, not to help you.

Comment Land of the Free (Score 2) 314

I have heard many comments that maybe those rides are unsafe. Well, I challenge that as I once had a ride in a taxi where the driver admitted to being stoned. But not paying him probably was not the thing to do if you didn't want him to come back to settle the score.
But it seems as if all the talk about reducing red tape only applies to businesses and not individuals. Most businesses exist because of red tape to force you to use them. My kid's class parties can only be supplied by store made cakes and snacks. I sort of agree that you might not want to risk causing upset stomachs in kids, but it strikes me as a bit overboard. More kids get hurt via bully violence, but somehow that is not addressed.

Comment One way (Score 1) 1

I am sure that if there were evidence that employees were doing something improper, that that would be allowed and announced. Just like during the bank bailout, a lot of talking heads brought up the fact that there were borrowers who provided no income verification for their loans who tended to drive up the market. But very little was brought up about the fact that lots of banks were making lots of money in securitization and repacking the loans as investments. The lucrative money was made in this aspect of the industry. Even CNBC's coverage of the loan crisis put a lot of the blame at the Lebanese clown in CA (who was the principal backer of the movie "Fast and Furious") who was refinancing loans. Well, if he did not have banks willing to buy up his loans, his business would have dried up quick.
Spin everything.

Comment so many sources (Score 1) 108

There are so many opportunities to take and retake your photos these days. Every time you come to a traffic light you stand a high chance of being photographed by traffic cameras. I bet that stores and banks provide footage, often done with some tax incentives. Your clothes have RFID tags from the time you bought them. Yes, it can be possible to change clothes or microwave them, but I am sure that there is some error correction going on once these systems have amassed redundant data. Also, there are other systems out there, i.e. your faces's and eye's major blood vessels form a unique pattern for much the same reasons that your fingerprints do. Even people's stride is somewhat characteristic. Apparently so is writing style I am sure that data fusion is on the minds of many a NSA analysts.

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