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Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot

Your friends are watching you (Score:5, Interesting)
by caitsith01 (606117) Friend of Friend on Tuesday November 02, @07:46AM (#10700179)
( Last Journal: Thursday March 11, @02:32AM )

All around the world, we're watching you today. We love America, we want you to lead and inspire and show us what democracy and freedom and technology can do. But right now we're feeling scared, confused, and angry about what your President has lead you to do over the past three years.

Please, give us back the America we admire and believe in. Don't turn yourselves into a religious state. Don't turn your back on the UN and the other peoples of the world - in the end we are people first, American or French or Iraqi or Chinese second. Give us back the America that went to the moon and carried out the Berlin airlift and brought us the IT revolution. Give us back the America of Kennedy's vision and MLK's dream.

And please, don't let the world's most successful democracy be reduced to a joke with a repeat of last election's Floridan antics.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot

From the user named pavon:

"Elegant systems are a joy to use for tasks that mesh with the flexibility built into the system, but once one needs to do something that doesn't quite fit the system, the grand design becomes an obsticle instead of a help, and those loosely bound, ugly amalgamations begin to look more appealing for the absolute freedom that they provide."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Which candidate would the terrorists want to win?

al Qaueda's number 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, gave thanks to God in the fall of 2003 for Bush's policies:
"We thank God for appeasing us with the dilemma in Iraq after Afghanistan...If they withdraw they will lose everything and if they stay, they will continue to bleed to death."
-From an audiotape sent to al-Jazeerah 9-10-2003, quoted in CIA agent Michael Scheuer's book

From Scheuer himself, a longtime expert on the forces of evil:
"There is nothing bin Laden could have hoped for more than the American invasion and occupation of Iraq."

One of the Saudi "jihadi" groups, quoted in the Economist on June 3 2004:
"A communiqué from a Saudi jihadi group expresses the hope that George Bush will be re-elected because his 'haste to use force, his lack of wisdom and religious fanaticism have roused the Islamic nation'."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot

by temojen (678985) Neutral on Friday September 10, @01:02PM (#10215917)
( Last Journal: Friday March 12, @02:54AM )

Thug with a baseball bat trying to kill you? Crush his throat. Firetruck 20 feet away going 70km/h? floor it. Lying in the street with broken bones? Get out of traffic, do (minimal) self first-aid, and make sure someone's called an ambulance.

Most of the real emergency things that have happened to me, I was too busy dealing with the situation to notice stress. What gets to me is the things that I can't do anything about.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot

From another cookd journal entry:
"When I find an argument to be flawed I simply want to fix it, probably for the same reason that people continuously post spelling corrections."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot
by squiggleslash (241428) on Monday December 11, @03:19AM (#567510)
( Last Journal: Friday August 06, @03:01PM )

Monday, December 11th 2000 1020 EST
Bush To Abolish Income Tax
New "Taxster" system to be used to raise revenue instead

Journal Journal: Best of Slashdot nomination

This was from an anonymous coward in the discussion of DefCon 12:
"It's all fine to be a mindlessly enthusiastic twit, but when you have the skills and ability to do serious damage to things, you lose that option and have to THINK seriously about the consequences of your actions."

User Journal

Journal Journal: More OS X gripes

At work I've been playing with a knoppix system(on CD) and some old imacs. The processors are comparable 500 vs 400 MHZ (and supposedly a PPC MHZ does more than an x86 MHZ) They have the same amount of ram, 500MB. Side by side KDE blows the shit out of OS X, for one simple reason. Finder in Jaguar can't even scroll large directories smoothly. Konqueror has no problem. OS X is god awful slow. I can't think of any reason firefox should take longer to open from a hard drive instead of a compressed cdrom file system, but it does.

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