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User Journal

Journal Hatta's Journal: More OS X gripes

At work I've been playing with a knoppix system(on CD) and some old imacs. The processors are comparable 500 vs 400 MHZ (and supposedly a PPC MHZ does more than an x86 MHZ) They have the same amount of ram, 500MB. Side by side KDE blows the shit out of OS X, for one simple reason. Finder in Jaguar can't even scroll large directories smoothly. Konqueror has no problem. OS X is god awful slow. I can't think of any reason firefox should take longer to open from a hard drive instead of a compressed cdrom file system, but it does.

"By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry." -- a Larson cartoon
