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Comment You can buy followers for FRIENDS or ENEMIES (Score 0) 84

You can buy followers for FRIENDS or ENEMIES.

As such, someone may have bought you followers.

Imagine as a jr. high bullying move - buying 5000 twitter followers for the unpopular kid.

Then - announcing that unpopular kid has paid for followers.

Ha ha for everyone but the victim. (On the bright side, unpopular kid now has 5000 followers in addition to the kid's mom!)


Submission + - How does the burger in the ad look so delicious? ( 4

Taco Cowboy writes: Ads are everywhere We are exposed to thousands of ads every single day Such as the level of competition of ads — and they better be good or else our subconscious would just turn it off So, how does that burger look so delllicciiiooouuusss ? You guessed it, photochopped !! Here's how they do it:
User Journal

Journal Journal: I do think I get my Raspberry Pi 3

To my complete and utter astonishment, I got my Raspberry Pi today. Not the one ordered at Farnell, but the one ordered at RS Online on 23 May 2012. Very quick. (Okay, for a piece of hardware with these kind of waiting lists) They never sent me an email that it was shipped. Nice surprise though.

Downside: the Farnell one should have shipped with a t-shirt. I like t-shirts... My wife doesn't, at least not the geeky ones.... So we'll just put this up as a draw ;-)


Submission + - Wales Launches Dwyer Petition ( 1

Stirling Newberry writes: "One of the important moral principles that has made everything we relish about the internet possible, from Wikipedia to YouTube, is that internet service providers need to have a safe harbour from what their users do. Writes Jimmy Wales to announce the launch of petition against the extradition of TVShack's Richard O'Dwyer. He does not defend violating copyright, but does argue that providers have a safe harbor from what their users do – and as the founder of what may be the largest user created site on the internet, not surprising.

His other point is that O'Dwyer is being extradited for activity that was not a crime in the UK, and for which he was not prosecuted there, raising the troubling question of who can be arrested under what laws in the internet era. For example, could you be extradited to India for blasphemy for running an atheist site so long as people in India could access it?"


Submission + - London To Sydney In Four Hours (

beaverdownunder writes: Computer-aided design programs are tipped to solve the supersonic-over-land problem that prevented the original Concorde aircraft from flying over land.

Clive Dorman of 'The Age' reports that, "London to Sydney in four hours, they were saying, in the run-up to next month’s Farnborough air show outside London in the UK, which is one of the aerospace industry’s main annual sales jamborees.

Importantly, the boffins were talking about the technical details of breakthroughs in computer-aided design that they reckon can finally overcome the biggest obstacle – Concorde’s inability to fly supersonically over land."

Projected to be in commercial use by 2030, do you think such an aircraft will ever materialise?

Comment If you can't stand the hard truth, then ... (Score 1) 217

1) If you can't stand the hard truth, then it's probably better that you were stopped before you got your feelings hurt in the world of business.

2) You cannot fix what you don't know is wrong. (c) Scott Summers - Motto.

If you are told "Denied, due to weak team leadership" - guess what?

You can BRING IN QUALITY LEADERSHIP, and not only strengthen your bid, but increase your chances for success in business. Yes, it might hurt your ego a bit - however what is more important? Ego, or making your dream into the next Microsoft+Google+Facebook (oh, bad example on that last one ;-) ) ??

Comment Re:people collaborate in the real work place so wh (Score 2) 241

There are times to collaborate in school. They are called "Group Projects".

There are times when the class wishes to test individual skills and knowledge.
These are called "Individual Tests".

If the "Individual Tests" are taken by draining the answer bank into a collaboration document, then that doesn't really fit the requirements?

Each course gives you a syllabus the first day. That is your contract for the class. If you don't like it, you march yourself down to the registers office, and un-enroll and get your money back. On the first day (some schools week/s) of class, there is no fee or penalty.

Can the testing system be tightened up? Sure. Will it be 100% secure? Never.

Quick thoughts -

Step 1) Don't disclose right/wrong answers. If the teacher wishes to, he can do a test review - covering the most often answered incorrect answers without bleeding out his test bank. And, this keeps the solutions from being revealed while there are still people with the exam to take.

Step 2) Paper tests and Scan-trons.

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